Does anybody know how old is the oldest recorded sermon? I was listening to an audio file from here I believe it was called " Voices from the past". I heard a 30 second sound byte of someone from 1899, I think, preaching the beautitudes.Any info is appreciated!GOD BlessJohn
That was Dr. D.L. Moody I believe! Here,
Thats the one!Any others?GOD BlessJohn
Peter at Pentecost.
Actually Neil, wouldn't Jesus' sermon on the Mount be 'technically' the first sermon? ;-)Then again I'm sure we could go back to the Old Testament... I mean, wasn't God's creation of the World a sermon? A sermon doesn't have to be rigidly formal like we think of it, after-all. It's a conveyance of a point. In Creation, God's point he was carrying to us was simply "I Am What I Am." I don't think he could've used a better 'illustration' (as many sermon-ers give) than what he made! :-)Jordan
I probably more like something by Noah :-P
_________________Aaron Ireland
I wasnt referring to the oldest sermon. What I meant was the oldest "recorded" sermon. By recorded,I meant on audio tape.ThanksJohn