I hope I never see one of these. I'm not sure how I would react. I feel nauseated just seeing it for sale.http://ffrf.org/shop/products/details.php?cat=edstickers&ID=ST1God BlessTJ
These people, and the likes of Richard Dawkins, outspoken athiest who 'preaches' that belief in God is destroying this country (England), what they don't understand is that the Christianity they are against is the very reason they have the rights and education to speek freely, it's Christianity that promoted better and free health care, orphanages, workers rights, free schools, democracy etc. If they lived in Saudi Arabia and some of the areas in Russia where communism is still enforced they would not even be aloud to speak freely if their views were not those of the government. They are making a noose and tying it around their own neck in their blind aggression to the God who loves them and when we try to point out to them that they are missing the point to life they call us fools and worse.May God alow them more time to repent, they don't deserve it but He is merciful to the utmost.
Brother TJ, how did you come across this? All I have to say about it is this: Wow.You know, I was reading through that website and all of their stuff, and... well... they're a cult.Funny thing is that they say they're "free from religion", when really they've got more "religion" than Christians do!Christians have a relationship. These "freethinkers" have religion. They even have a mission statement! They've got leaders, they've got their little mission statement, they've got newspapers, legal accomplishments, membership, blah blah blah... they're a religion of their own and they don't even know it.Interesting.If you look at the picture of them all you can see it in their eyes that they're empty people... they may have smiles on their faces, but they're hurting. I hate to put it that way, but it's obvious that they need a touch from God, and they need it bad.Father God, I pray that you would intervene in these people's lives and hearts and bring them to the knowledge of You. Whether it be corporately or individually, stir in them whatever it takes.
all I can say is ugh! Oh and I am in agreement for their salvation.