There is something about selflessnes, that haseverything to do with years of our failures, thatwill lead us to the desperency to see that it isnothing that we have accomplished.He has done it once and for All. To him be the gloryEph.3:21
_________________George Horvat
Amen brother. I recently posted a series of messages on this exact topic by Paul Washer surely it is nothing that we have done but what [b]He has done[/b], good reminder dear brother:[b](The Glory of God) in Marriage[/b][b](The Glory of God) in Ministering to the Lord[/b][b](The Glory of God) in Missions[/b][b](The Glory of God) in Moral Purity[/b][b](The Glory of God) in Motivation[/b]
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
There is something about selflessnes, that haseverything to do with years of our failures, thatwill lead us to the desperency to see that it isnothing that we have accomplished.He has done it once and for All. To him be the glory