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Joined: 2006/9/23
Posts: 212

 Good news for Youngish people living in England!

If you live in England, and like me sometimes feel as though America and Canada get all the good conferences (and we are pleased for you!), well do not despair- there is a good one coming up in April (20th-23rd) in Leicester. It is the Banner of truth, youth conference, and John Macarthur is the main speaker, he is speaking on the joy of God. I am looking forward to hearing him ( i respect him a lot) and maybe getting to meet him.

It is for young people 16 and upwards. There is not a strict upper limit (i know of a guy who is 31 who is going!) but most people will be between 16 and about 25ish.

Anyway check it out my English brothers and sisters. Be good to meet some of you there!

May King Jesus reign in England!


George Platt

 2007/1/8 4:52Profile

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