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Joined: 2005/11/26
Posts: 496

 beautiful comp.

Title: "The Love Of God" Speaker: Anthony Wynn
Listen & Download Here:

this is one of my favorite comp.

its about a little guy who LOVES the Lord. please listen. it will break your heart with joy!

God bless


 2007/1/8 1:39Profile

Joined: 2006/6/10
Posts: 668
Northern Rockies, BC, Canada

 Re: beautiful comp.

Hey thanks...
I love this brother Anthony Wynn. I listened to a sermon by him titled "Letters From Hell" and, let me tell you, I can always sense the Holy Spirit behind the preaching of this annointed man. Oh what a blessing to have this man pastor your church... what a blessing from the Lord indeed... A man full of the love of God... to be made perfect in the love of Christ Jesus. :-D This brother is a blessing to the body of Christ in this generation. I believe I heard the sermon I mentioned by him on Sermonaudio...
I like the comp, but I really love the preaching of this blessed brother. Thanks for the link ;-)
God bless you,


 2007/1/8 5:22Profile

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 258

 Re: beautiful comp.

Hey thats awesome, i really like that.
Do you know where i could get the story without the music. I was really blessed by it and would like to share with some other people, but i think they might be offended by the background music. if you know where I could get that I would appreciate if you would let me know.

Once again, amen to that message; the love of God shed abroad in our hearts.

 2007/1/8 10:52Profile


i'm glad that you guys were blessed by the comp!

yeshuaboy, pastor wynn is not my pastor. i found the comp on someone's blog.

vico, sorry brother, i don't know where to find this testimony without the music.

 2007/1/8 11:11

Joined: 2006/4/23
Posts: 101
West Sussex, England


You might find it on here, Pastor Anthony Wynn's website:


Sorry I don't know how to make a link.

This has had a very great impact. Great conviction. Many thanks.



 2007/1/8 14:31Profile

Joined: 2005/11/26
Posts: 496


sorry yeshuaboy and vico, i accidently sign up under my husband's name, sscott. oops!


 2007/1/8 15:02Profile

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