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Joined: 2005/12/14
Posts: 440

 Winning them to heaven or Christ?

Are we winning or loosing the battle...
What are we winning the lost to... heaven or Christ???

I believe the way we LIVE will determine "where" we win them.

The sad thing is so many christians live for heaven but not for Christ. So they win them to heaven.??


 2006/12/28 15:52Profile

Joined: 2006/12/23
Posts: 248
Montana USA

 Re: Winning them to heaven or Christ?

How can one do one without the other? Without Christ there is not heaven, how can one "live for heaven" and not for Christ?

Perhaps, they are not winning them to the Heaven where Christ reigns as supreme Lord of Lords and King of Kings? Many religions have a "heaven" of sorts where you must do A and/or B and you may well get there, etc. etc. But since Christianity is not a religion it is an expression of the life of Christ that lives within you; then those who practice such a life may not be living for either the heaven of Christ or the Christ of heaven?

Do you suppose that it would be fair to say that people who merely attend church are trying to attend the feast without a wedding garment?

Lori Salyer

 2006/12/28 16:55Profile

Joined: 2006/7/17
Posts: 140


This is interesting. I do think most people have an idea of what "their" heaven would be like. . . doing all the things they love most. . . but they have no love for Christ or desire to be conformed to Him.

They don't realize that all the good things they enjoy are centered in Christ; He created them! They are like the child that snatches the toy from the father's hand, then runs away to play with it. . . . without wanting the father himself.

Paul Washer says, "Everybody wants to go to heaven, they just don't want God to be there when they get there."

Jennifer Richardson

 2006/12/28 17:31Profile



Lor_E wrote:
How can one do one without the other? Without Christ there is not heaven, how can one "live for heaven" and not for Christ?

Perhaps, they are not winning them to the Heaven where Christ reigns as supreme Lord of Lords and King of Kings? Many religions have a "heaven" of sorts where you must do A and/or B and you may well get there, etc. etc. But since Christianity is not a religion it is an expression of the life of Christ that lives within you; then those who practice such a life may not be living for either the heaven of Christ or the Christ of heaven?

Do you suppose that it would be fair to say that people who merely attend church are trying to attend the feast without a wedding garment?

I wrote about this very thing a good while back. Glad to see someone commenting on that parable.

I agree with you that many do; wanting Jesus but on their own terms.
Because of the watered down gospel people are not seeing the need for intimacy with the Father as the purpose of Life as lived in Jesus Christ per John 17. In fact, in their hearts, many have no need when making a profession of faith in Christ; no revelation of Him nor of their own fallen state.


 2006/12/31 8:48

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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