Please if there is anybody from QATAR or if you know a brother or sister in Qatar reply to me.Your sis. Mekdi
_________________Mekdes Tsige
Are you in Qatar?Christian?
No I'm not I'm an Ethiopian and live in Addis the capital. But there are many Ethiopians there so many who live there and a sister near me has a burden to go and serve the Lord there both to reach the Ethiopian society and the Muslim society. The Ethiopians we know there are not Christians and since the church there is underground we couldn't make contact with the native or foreign believers there. And we need if there is any Christian there who can be of help in information about the spiritual situation and about the way to serve God there we need it. That's why I ask if there is anybody who is from Qatar or who knows someone who serves the Lord there. Thanks for your concern!Your sis. Mek.