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Joined: 2006/6/10
Posts: 668
Northern Rockies, BC, Canada



J-bird wrote:
It depends on your view of wickedness. Drugs? What countrys supply those drugs? Opiets come from the middle east, cocaine comes from South America. Alcohol? Europe is one of the biggest exporters of alcohol. Prostitution? Russia, Tai Land, and Mexico are much worse than America. Murder? Depends on if you mean the government murdering citizens, or the citizens murdering other citizens?

My brother J-bird,
I know that your quote is not directed towards me; however, I would like to make a quick comment....
I have noticed throughout the years through the study of the Holy Scriptures and church history, reformation period etc, that man's concept of sin and what God says sin is are almost complete opposites, that throughout hundreds od years the meaning of sin has changed to more of what man's interpretation is and not God's. God doesn't change. the message of sin has changed... the message of repentance has changed...the entire Holy Word of God is changing into man's interpretation. Man can seem to take sin lightly, while God is holy, and hates sin so much that He sent Jesus to die in our place, so sin wouldn't have reign over us, etc, etc.
Speaking for myself dear brother, I want to have a greater revelation from God that I may see sin as He sees sin...that I may flee from it and not give the devil any foothold. I have grieved the Lord enough in my life...and the more I know about sin...the truth about it, as God tells it...I believe, the more responsible I am to God, to myself, and to others to live in the light of that truth.
Yes, there is sin everywhere...yes, it crouches at the door, but by the grace of God alone through faith in Christ, the standard of what constitutes as sin will be raised to God's standard...the world will persecute the true church because they hate the true Light... I pray for His standard to go forth in my life today, regardless of what others say...a true Biblical standard of what it is to be a Christ-like and not 21st century church-like. How can I witness with my mouth, if my life, my deeds don't back it up?..surely then my faith will be in vain. Thank God for His word...when I read it, His word gives me a different picture of sin , as how many churches describe it today...even how my flesh tries to describe it to me...But, i am crucified with Christ....(Gal 2:20)
Judgement is coming...and it begins at the house of God does it not?
Woe unto me if I donot strive after holiness all the days of my life, or say, Lord, Lord, but donot do what Christ Jesus requires of me. Christ in me is holy, so I must continually learn to submit to Him in all things, denying myself, taking up my crosses...He will always lead me to victory and never sin. Oh, may I keep in step with the Holy Spirit.
Brethren, I desire and ask for your prayers. Please forgive me if I have to a degree gotten off course to the original post.


 2006/12/21 8:08Profile

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


I agree with J-bird.

Why single out America? I agree that we have a lot of junk in this country, but we also have a lot of God given good in this country.

Going to Africa on a mission trip recently opened my eyes to how great God has blessed...and continues to bless...America!

 2006/12/21 10:42Profile

Joined: 2006/12/20
Posts: 10


Look at my own nation first...

 2006/12/21 11:06Profile

Joined: 2004/9/9
Posts: 5
Fort Wayne, IN

 Re: Could America's Perceived Blessings Be Its Curse?

If judgment doesn't come to America, she will be lost forever! Similar to GloryCloud, the Lord has also been warning me for the last two years about pending judgment on this nation.

In fact, a week ago today, as I was going about my job, I suddenly felt impressed to stop everything and be still before the Lord. I obeyed this prompting and shut my office door. Yahweh then began to speak the following words...

"A collapse is coming to this nation, which will make Black Thursday look mild. A double portion of my judgment will be allotted to you O' Babylon for the luxuries that you have lavished on yourself. My people will NOT escape this judgment, because it will fall on the heathen and righteous alike. But there will again be a distinction between the righteous and the wicked, because only my sheep will turn to me and the wicked will turn to the arm of the flesh and continue to do wickedly. The trap has already been set and I will not relent. Even if Moses, Elijah, and Daniel prayed for this nation, I would not spare it. I have given her ample time to repent, but she has spurned her day of correction and sought after idols instead. Woe to this people who cling to and love the world and continue to grip and hold onto the things devoted to destruction. I grieve and lament that I must do this, but my name is Holy and I cannot be mocked. Stand up my people and be accounted for, so that you may receive the mark (seal of God) on your forehead and be spared. Make your calling and election sure while there is still time, because the days are short. The time has already been appointed and I will not delay for any reason."

At this point, I asked the Lord how long it would be, and I heard him say that it would be within two years.

The Lord continued to speak the following, "See, I am coming with the clouds and every eye will see me. Even those who pierced me. Selah. You are in the beginning of the end. My time clock has already started. Be strong and courageous my child. You will see and marvel at the day I come to you. Stand not far off, but come near to me and I will hide you in the cleft of the rock. Your life is hidden with Me in Yahweh."

I debated whether or not I should post this word, but the Lord immediately reminded me of the following verse in Matthew 10:27, which reads, "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs."

May those that have ears, hear what the Spirit is saying. The Lord has already stopped me from praying deliverance for this nation. In fact, he has me praying for judgment. Specifically, I pray Psalm 9:19-20, which reads, "Arise, O Lord, let not man triumph; let the nations be judged in your presence. Strike them with terror, O Lord; let the nations know they are but men."

If God does not judge America, she is lost forever as an illegitimate child. Please read the following article from Michael Bodea Jr. about God chastening His children.

When God Chastens Part 1
December 12, 2006
“There cannot be greater evidence of God’s hatred and wrath – than His refusing to correct men for their sinful courses and vanities! Where God refuses to correct, there, God resolves to destroy! There is no man so near God’s axe, so near the flames, so near hell, as he whom God will not so much as spend a rod upon! God is most angry, when He shows no anger!” – Thomas Brooks

“The constant cry of the rod is, ‘be dead to the profits, pleasures, honors, and applauses of the world! Be dead to everything below a living Jesus.” – Thomas Brooks

We look upon the landscape of the human condition with awe and wonderment To the naked eye, it would seem that some who ought to be enduring the greatest of torments are prospering and living carefree lives, while others whom we would deem as deserving some measure of relief, are pressed down even further, suffering unimaginable cruelties at the hands of others, never able to hold their heads above water for more than a few seconds before they are dragged back into the deep

If we were to process such events through the prism of human reason, we would inevitably come to the conclusion that we are living in an unjust world, where evil men prosper, while good men are left to die If not for the reassurance we have in the Word of God, wherein He tells us that His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts, we would behold the reward of the deceivers of this present age, and perhaps begin to murmur, or in the least feel a sense of injustice at what is transpiring

The ways of God surpass human reason, and this is a truth that remains undeniable from age to age In order to see reality as God sees it, we must perceive it from God’s point of view Yes, to the human eye, processed by the human mind, it would seem that the wicked are being rewarded for their wickedness, the deceivers are prospering, and the hypocrites are growing rich from their constant fleecing of the flock, but it is not so There should never be a greater moment of utter terror in the life of a believer, than knowing he has done something worthy of chastening or reproof, is left uncorrected I realize this flies in the face of modern doctrines, wherein if you are going through a trial, a chastening or are rebuked of God, you are no longer beloved of God, that you have somehow become irredeemable, that the only way to truly know you are saved, is that you prosper financially, that all is well, and that you have no trials or afflictions, but leaving homespun doctrine aside, let us see what the Bible says concerning these things

Nothing is more dangerous or lamentable, than a man who thinks himself on sure ground, having a sure footing, when all the while he is standing in quicksand It is such with those who have rejected the sovereign truth of God’s words, in lieu of men’s fables, no longer wondering why God has not corrected the sin they know to be in their hearts, but merrily banging the tambourine singing along to ‘it is well, with my soul’, knowing all the while, that it is anything but well

One of the greatest frauds and outright lies perpetrated upon Christendom in our modern age, is that God’s primary desire, His primary purpose is to prosper us The truth of the matter, the ultimate truth, is that God’s primary desire and purpose, is to sanctify us, to bond us unto Himself that we may be together with Him in eternity All else pales, and is irrelevant; all else takes second place whether it be our comfort, health or prosperity

Hebrews 12:5-6, “And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: ‘My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.”

The tragedy of forgetfulness is that often times we do not remember when it was that we forgot When was it that we forgot, that God spoke to us as to sons, that in our times of chastening and rebuke, He whispered it is because I love you, because I have received you?

A child readily forgets the advice, admonition and lessons of his parents, and so must constantly be reminded of them, that they may be kept at the forefront of his mind, and act accordingly when he comes in contact with that of which his parents forewarned It is the same from a spiritual standpoint, our heavenly Father continually warning us through His Word, as well as other means, to flee from sin, to turn away from deception, reminding us that only in His loving embrace, under the shadow of His wing, will we find the peace and safety we so desperately seek

God knows that man is a forgetful creature, He knows that as little children tend to do, we get distracted by bright shiny objects, we choose disobedience over obedience, and even though we may be aware that His way is the better way, our stubbornness does not permit us to surrender ourselves, and give Him the rightful place in our hearts Above all else, these are the reasons that God constantly reminds us, pointing us to the right path, guiding us, and if we allow Him, even taking us by the hand It is because of man’s nature, that God must constantly contend with him, reminding him always that He is a God of expectation, even though we may already know these things, and even be established in them

2 Peter 1:12, “Therefore I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know them, and are established in the present truth.”

There are times, in God’s attempts of getting our attention where gentle persuasion has no affect, and as a good Father, the means which he employs to bring us aright, are somewhat unpleasant for us His children Although the means may vary, God’s reason for chastening is always the same, to reform, and to restore us, to turn our hearts back to Him, and cause us to seek His face in an atmosphere of repentance God’s desire is always to draw us ever closer to Him

Faith receives and accepts, with peace and trust any trial that comes upon it, it is at ease even in the most desperate of situations for it knows above all else that all that unfolds and comes upon it is from the hand of God Faith trusts God’s intent, it knows His will and desire are only the best for His children, no matter what may come

When faith is absent from a heart however, when the man toward which a chastening or rebuke may be directed is not wholly surrendered, trusting in God, the sense of unease and the desire to rebel against the trial through which he is going, is often overwhelming The man absent of faith, will despise the chastening of the Lord, he will perceive it with loathing and scorn, thinking himself unjustly rebuked or reprimanded

In order to hinder God from perfecting His plan for our lives, the enemy often attempts to tempt believers into despising the chastening of the Lord, blinding them to the truth that God chastens those He loves, and scourges every son whom He receives If the enemy can accomplish this, if he can persuade us to despise the chastening of the Lord, to resist it, or by our own means attempt to avoid it, he will have succeeded in keeping us from living in God’s perfect will If we do not recognize and acknowledge the hand of God at work in our lives, if we cannot discern the correction and discipline of God for what they are, then we will not have learned the lesson He was attempting to teach us, or receive the blessing the chastening was supposed to have brought

It is easy to say we must learn to love the rod of God, but it is much harder to reach that point, that level of maturity wherein we love it in actuality Only once he is grown can a child see not only the reasons for the discipline he endured at the hands of his father, but also the affects the discipline had, and the final outcome of it all, wherein he was the better for it

When God uses his rod to chasten and rebuke us, it is a sign that He loves us, proof that He cares enough to correct us It is the means by which the evil that would otherwise take root in our hearts is dealt with, and God’s way of revealing certain errors in our walk God does not correct out of anger, or hatred, but out of love If this is the prism by which we view His correction, rather than murmur, we will be thankful, rather than resent the correction, we will welcome it with open arms

No man desires correction or rebuke from God, but if we know ourselves to have sinned, and do not see God’s chastening, it should be infinitely more worrisome and troubling, than to feel God’s rod of correction It would be better for God to punish or rebuke us if needed, than to leave us in a deplorable condition Yes, it is infinitely better that God chasten, than allow us to wander down a path of sin and rebellion The correction, the rebuke, the chastening, is a sign that His love has not left us, that we have not been forsaken No matter what we would go through, we must always remember, whom the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives

One of the fondest memories of my childhood is going to the family apple orchard in the summer and picking apples During one of the family outings to the orchard, my uncle Cornel came along, and as he made his way through the apple trees he would stop by some, and begin to shake the tree He was a large man, and as he shook the tree, the apples that had rotted on the branches would fall to the earth When I asked him why he was shaking the trees, he smiled and said, ‘only the good apples deserve to stay on the branches, the rotten ones are useless.’

Sometimes God shakes the tree, symbolically speaking, that the unclean things may fall by the wayside He allows suffering in the midst of a congregation, that those living in hypocrisy, may quickly remove themselves from the body, and in the life of the individual, that those things which still remain that are a hindrance to our relationship with God may be removed

A trial, or a chastening in an individual’s life also has the blessed purpose of causing us to examine ourselves and see how truly living grace is for us, to us, and in us Those who are attached to the branches, harboring ulterior motives, those who are dishonest as to their reason for being in the house of God, those whose intent is not to worship at the foot of the cross, but merely to hold out their hand in the hopes of receiving some material thing, readily fall to the ground once the shaking commences Only those whose intentions are pure, those whose grace is a living entity in their hearts, those who are wholly surrendered and committed to the will of God can withstand the shaking

If we persist with the analogy of a tree and its fruit a while longer, we begin to see that the shaking thereof, the trials that come in the life of the individual are as a welcome relief and blessing, for it eases the burden on the entire tree, and aids the good fruit, when the rotten fruit are torn free and scattered to the ground If left unchecked, the bad fruit can endanger not only the good fruit in its vicinity, but the entire tree itself It is far better for God to strip us of the dangerous sins, habits, vices, and traditions, even if for a season it may be painful, then leaving us to the desire of our heart, these things having polluted the entire body, cut us off altogether

We grow rich in God, every time we are stripped of imagined virtues The stripping off of dirty rags, is the first step to being made clean, and what else can we equate imitated and counterfeit gifts to, than the dirty worthless rags that they are, worthless things, worthy of being cast into the fire?

If we perceive chastening and correction in this context, we begin to see the good that comes of it, we begin to realize that they make us beautiful in the sight of God, bringing us ever closer to being the mirror image of Christ Just as rotted fruit, still clinging to the branches give a tree an unpleasant appearance, imagined virtues are a stain to the souls of men, a stain in the eyes of God, and in the eyes of our fellow men

Too many today are content with merely a form of godliness, having its image but far removed from its substance, and while for now, they are able to coexist with those who seek true godliness, the day will come when the absence of life, the weakness of their bond to the source of life, will cause them to despise God’s correction, for in their lifeless state they did not perceive the blessing that would transpire once the trial had passed

Every trial in the life of a child of God, is meant to teach us something, it is intended as discipline, and discipline is a manifestation of love, proof of God’s parental concern for His children, it is the means by which God often calls us to come out of the world that we may run to Him, trust Him, to believe in His grace, mercy, and love

If only we would understand, once and for all, that God is not concerned or preoccupied with our comfort level here on earth, whether or not we are rich, whether or not we feel good about ourselves, His only concern is our sanctification and consecration, that we may be with Him in eternity, that we may inherit the Kingdom, and receive the crown of life

God’s correction, His chastening and even His rebuke should not be received by us as a disappointment, or hurtful thing, we cannot perceive them as God’s rejection, but rather as the blessings that they are intended to be, for it is the undeniable proof that we have been received, and we are loved

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.


 2006/12/21 11:36Profile


I think what it really boils down to is that many people WANT America to be judged because their jealous of the freedom, and prosperity of our country.

Hollywood is a very small minority of perverted, devil possesed people who most of us don't pay attention to anyway. People forget that 90% of California is farmland. Yes, hollywood is bad but they don't get my money. I think I can speak for many christians and even non-christians. Hollywood has lost touch with it's audience and many of us don't even watch their garbage. I don't take resposibility for what they produce. If people would boycott their filth than we would'nt have to worry about it. The problem is not Hollywood, or Playboy it's this weak, immoral generation that the parents have produced. If parents would do their job than we would'nt be in the shape were in.


 2006/12/21 12:04

Joined: 2004/6/15
Posts: 1924

 Re: let us reason together 1: on freedom and prosperity

bro J-Bird

I think what it really boils down to is that many people WANT America to be judged because their jealous of the freedom, and prosperity of our country.

this is far from the truth (at least in my case) because in all truth judgement is a time of purging, and brother we need purging...every one of us. i desire the judgement to come on the whole world so that those of us who are His will be complelled to repent. also judgement begins with us who are Christians because we hold the standard. The Lord chastens those He loves so let us be chastened and suffer for a season rather than suffer for all eternity.i think what bro Greg said earlier about how the majority of people on s.i. reside in this country is important. i feel that as a result of this, there is a great burden on some of us for the sake of our nation hence we sound the warnings of the coming judgement. For those who live in other places, our Lord will speak to them concerning those nations. since most here on s.i. live here, the majority of such warnings will be about america since judgement here will affect us immediately and more acutely as opposed to judgements elsewhere. i have a brother i am in touch with in canada and he has been shown judgements coming to that nation so this is not restricted to america.

i oft here people talk about freedom here and this freedom is an illusion. it is in fact bondage. there is but 1 true freedom and that is in Christ. i was reading tortured for Christ and in that i saw what true freedom is. those dear saints in the communist, islamist and other such vile states [i][b]have freedom and are free[/b][/i] how is this so. They are so enraptured with Christ that their circumstances are of no consequence because they are really seated in heavenly places. do you know my brethren, that to these saints, the gospel has a gravity which we can't appreciate? do you know fellow saints that to them Christ really is all because they have nothing else? dear brethren therein is true freedom! to be so unbound from the world as to suffer such things with joy! brethren think on this, in the former covenant, sacrifices had to be made perpetually for all sorts of things to appease God. in the same way the "freedom" which we are told we have in democracies and so on need to be maintained by the blood of men because they have been bought by the blood of men.this leaves us in bondage to that. this however is a necessary thing else it would not be so. but let us not be deceived, this is not freedom, Christ is freedom in the truest sense because once one receives Christ and grows in Him, one is no longer concerned with the things of the world as he once was.

on the properity of our nation, that is largely another myth. the vast majority of people have a net worth of $50,000 or less. of those almost all are heavily in debt in the pursuit of this so called american dream which has become a nightmare for many. men and women both slave at work for many hours to pay bills and can never seem to get caught up, this is the nature of life for the vast majority of us, so how can that be prosperity? it is bondage! people are in debt and can't save because we have so pursued our lusts and self-gratification to the point where indeed we are on the edge of an economic collapse which will be our undoing. the vast majority of trade is done in u.s. dollars but some nations are getting rid of their dollar reserves slowly in favour of the euro as the dollar weakens against it. our government is in such debt because of the deficit it is staggering! this is not prosperity in the least! this great deception is about to come undone very soon so for those who hear what our Lord is saying through His prophets and messengers concerning the coming judgement, REPENT, REPENT, REPENT OR DIE!!!

Farai Bamu

 2006/12/21 13:27Profile

Joined: 2004/9/9
Posts: 5
Fort Wayne, IN


If you think I WANT America to be judged you are badly mistaken. Even though God has established His throne with justice and is infinitely holy, He doesn't delight in the death of the wicked. Rather, He desires all men everywhere to repent. He is slow to anger, abounding in love, and his mercy triumphs over judgment. He is long-suffering towards us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

If any one WANTS America to be judged, they have not been born of His Spirit and are born of their father the devil who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. Do you think the prophets of old wanted judgment to come to Israel? Jeremiah prophesied in a time when Israel was prosperous and at peace. But just because everyone is crying 'peace and safety' doesn't mean that judgment will be avoided.

I have asked the Lord if He could give many any other word, but judgment. It is easy to tell people what their tickling ears want to hear, but His sheep hear his voice and will not follow another.

So no, I don't WANT America to be judged, but is it better to obey man rather than God? I feel like Jeremiah and respond with his words in Jeremiah 20:7-11,

7 O LORD, you deceived me, and I was deceived;
you overpowered me and prevailed.
I am ridiculed all day long; everyone mocks me.
8 Whenever I speak, I cry out
proclaiming violence and destruction.
So the word of the LORD has brought me
insult and reproach all day long.

9 But if I say, "I will not mention him
or speak any more in his name,"
his word is in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in;
indeed, I cannot.

10 I hear many whispering,
"Terror on every side!
Report him! Let's report him!"
All my friends
are waiting for me to slip, saying,
"Perhaps he will be deceived;
then we will prevail over him
and take our revenge on him."

11 But the LORD is with me like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten.

May the Lord bless you with His peace and understanding in these days.


 2006/12/21 13:38Profile

Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


GloryCloud and aeberly1798,
I do not know if the words you are speaking are true. I personally have not received the 'Word' that you have. So, I must compare your word to scripture.

Deuteronomy 18:20-22
20But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.' 21And if you say in your heart, 'How may we know the word that the LORD has not spoken?'-- 22when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.

GloryCloud has written

Several months ago, the Lord spoke, even from his Word, "Mass slaughter. Mass Slaughter is coming". He started revealing scriptures during prayer time that revealed exactly what I heard.

aeberly1798 has written
If judgment doesn't come to America, she will be lost forever! Similar to GloryCloud, the Lord has also been warning me for the last two years about pending judgment on this nation.
In fact, a week ago today, as I was going about my job, I suddenly felt impressed to stop everything and be still before the Lord. I obeyed this prompting and shut my office door. Yahweh then began to speak the following words...
"A collapse is coming to this nation, which will make Black Thursday look mild. A double portion of my judgment will be allotted to you O' Babylon for the luxuries that you have lavished on yourself. My people will NOT escape this judgment, because it will fall on the heathen and righteous alike. But there will again be a distinction between the righteous and the wicked, because only my sheep will turn to me and the wicked will turn to the arm of the flesh and continue to do wickedly. The trap has already been set and I will not relent. Even if Moses, Elijah, and Daniel prayed for this nation, I would not spare it. I have given her ample time to repent, but she has spurned her day of correction and sought after idols instead. Woe to this people who cling to and love the world and continue to grip and hold onto the things devoted to destruction. I grieve and lament that I must do this, but my name is Holy and I cannot be mocked. Stand up my people and be accounted for, so that you may receive the mark (seal of God) on your forehead and be spared. Make your calling and election sure while there is still time, because the days are short. The time has already been appointed and I will not delay for any reason."
At this point, I asked the Lord how long it would be, and I heard him say that it would be within two years.

Biblically, if none of this happens within two years then you both are false prophets and may God have mercy on you for pretending to speak for him.

If this happens as you predict, then may God have mercy on us all.

 2006/12/21 13:56Profile

Joined: 2004/6/15
Posts: 1924

 let us reason together 2:on evil in the world and the judgment thereof

bro J-bird
in continuing from where we left off:

bro J-Bird you were in the service right? this makes your view on things largely from a nationalistic standpoint before seeing it through the eyes of God. brother our nation is ripe for judgement. of course the whole world is also but my concern is for this nation because we have been placed here by God hence the many pleas for repentance. i oft hear people on the right (as they are called and call themselves) like sean hannity, o'riley and some others who speak of there being evil in the world. i agree there is evil in the world but somehow it is limited to islamist fascism (whatever that is, i'm foggy of what it is) what about our own evil my brother? what about our own sin? do you honestly believe we are above God's reproach/judgement? do you believe God only sees the jihadists sin and not our own? indeed those men who flew planes into the towers got their just recompense, an eternity in hell, not so much for those they killed because all sin excpet 1 can be forgiven, but because they had not Christ. however let is be known that the irony in that is God gave us a taste of judgment on that day using unbelievers. if God did that to Israel and spared them not, do you think He will spare us? especially in the light of us being supposedly Christian? NO WAY, in fact the judgment will be that much harsher, see Hebrews 10 vs 29

[b]Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? [/b]

be not deceived brethren, God is not mocked. as surely as even the righteous suffered when God sent heathens against them (daniel, Jeremiah etc), so shall even the righteous now suffer for the sins of the nation along with the wicked. i agree with you bro J-bird that there are many good people here, but the same is true for the world but the world will be judged. are we somehow exempt because we are Americans?

there is evil in the world but there is evil right here at home too. right here in my own heart, and in yours and it must be purged by fire. Shall we look at the terrorists and point out there sin and neglect our own? do you think God smiles or is unaware of our adulteries, fornications, pornography,lying,stealing and cheating in the corperate world, idolatries of wealth, self our own perceived power, abortions, lusts, covetousness and other abominations? do you think that these things will go unnoticed or pass by without consequence? dare we point out the evils of others and negelect our own? worse yet not only neglect them but also somehow think we are exempt from any sort of recompense?

this very attitude is seeming to me more rampant as i converse with saints and i fear many saints will leave the faith on account of this. God is not happy with the world, He is not happy with our nation and so we are ripe for judgment.

brother behind the fascade of being the world's only superpower, things are falling apart fast. The economy is unravelling, government is corrupt and rotting from within and our military is stretched. it is only a matter of time before it all falls apart. as surely as babylon, greece, rome and all the other mighty empires of old came and went, so shall our nation. what will we have left when this happens bro J-Bird? where will our "freedoms" be then? what shall become of our prosperity? what will be the end of it all? all of this will be exposed for the lie it is that the truth of Freedom, Prosperity and Life of and in Christ will be made plain for all! if this revelation requires that our nation fall apart, that the world fall apart, THEN LET IT COME!!! i covet very jealously to be more like Christ by any means necessary and we all ought to. anything we desire more than for God to be glorified in us and through us via the making of Christ in us is an idol.

Farai Bamu

 2006/12/21 13:59Profile

Joined: 2005/12/14
Posts: 440


Let me change this up a little...

I know we all know this but judgement DOESNT begin with America...whos it begin with??

I dont boast where I DONT spend money or where I dont go or do....because its NOT America to blame!! America reflects the darknes of what is called the church today!!!

Its not my brother or my sister but its who????
ME, ME , ME!! O Lord.

Its NOT the politicians or the white house....its the churches to blame :-?


 2006/12/21 14:01Profile

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