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Joined: 2006/12/20
Posts: 10

 Judgment is coming to America!

I listened to the message above by Leonard Ravenhill... awesome message...

Several months ago, the Lord spoke, even from his Word, "Mass slaughter. Mass Slaughter is coming". He started revealing scriptures during prayer time that revealed exactly what I heard.

"10 Thus saith the LORD unto this people, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not refrained their feet, therefore the LORD doth not accept them; he will now remember their iniquity, and visit their sins.

11Then said the LORD unto me, Pray not for this people for their good.

12When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the SWORD, and by the FAMINE, and by the PESTILENCE."

His Words grew louder and louder during prayer. Ever since then, I thought I was completely false and crazy. To make a long story short, I wanted to tell you one dream. In the dream, there was complete darkness and the Bible shown forth a bright light. Out of the light proceeded the words, “NAHUM”.

The Lord has been warning you for years! He sent His prophets, His servants, His labourers, His signs and wonders! What would get America to see? If we were to see Isaiah walk naked and barefoot for three years among our shores, would America turn and repent? He has revealed Himself to you! America, you have turned away from Him and you have trusted in your idols of money, covetousness and wealth! Oh the burden of America! For our God is a jealous God! America is controlled by the devil. The ancient spirits of Babylon, primarily the devil, controls America. Our loving God that is slow to anger and great in power. The Lord takes vengeance on his enemies; He reserves His wrath for His enemies. “The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.” God can either cause the fire of God to fall upon us, even as it consumed the offerings in front of the prophets of Baal. The fire of a Holy God must fall upon us but it won’t consume us. The other response is His fury to be poured out as fire upon us. With an “an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.” An end is drawing near. The fire “fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.” He burns the briers and the thorns even in one day. His anger is not turned away, for it is stretched out still. In time, there will arise an evil counselor, an evil leader that brings forth wrong advice. We may appear united and patriotic but we can be cut down in pride and shame. He will cut off our graven images! He can take away our riches and bring famine and desolation in a day! We need our labourers to speak forth the gospel of peace and truth. Even if we look at Nineveh, they were warned and they repented! Isn’t this reminiscent of you, America, on September 11? At the time of destruction, we joined ourselves unto God, unto patriotism. That was only for a season. America, don’t reach the place where God says, PRAY NO MORE FOR THE GOOD OF AMERICA! STOP SPEAKING, OH MESSENGERS OF GOD. COME OUT OF AMERICA, OH REMNANT OF GOD. Turn to God and repent! Turn away from your idols of money and covetousness! The Lord can bring another nation against you, who will plunder you of your numerous silver and gold. America, you think that you are rich, that you are increased of much goods! But you are poor and wretched. You are fat. The Lord can empty you and shake your land and your sea! You can be put to complete shame and confusion. The Lord can send mass slaughter (holocaust) unto you! I even speak the word, “overthrow”. Woe unto America! Woe even unto the nations of the earth! You are a harlot! Repent and turn away from your sins! Because of your many harltotries and witchcrafts! There are two things that can come against you: the loss of children and widowhood. You trust in your wickedness! It has led you astray! America, you can be put to shame, you can brought down that even the nations are astounded at your fall! The God who closed the mouth of the lions in the lion’s den can allow the lion, the devil to sift you as wheat! You will fear for the things that will come to you! God can bring you into captivity! He can send the cankerworm, the caterpillar to eat of your fruit! You have not been healed because of the lies spoken to you. America sleeps, the shepards sleep. The Lord can simply speak to a nation and cause that nation to come against you. God can send floods to bring breaches into America. If God opens your gates and takes down the hedge, woe unto America! "A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations." You shall even become as serpents, cast down and crawling upon your stomach upon the ground. Even your strength shall be cast down to the ground.

Our God is a merciful God and He’s pleading with America, He’s pleading with America, Return unto me. Turn away from your wicked Way. Repent, repent. He loves us. He wants the Spirit of the Lord to be poured out upon us. He wants the Glory of God to be revealed in America. Our hope is in Jesus Christ! The Lord wants to bring restoration to America! He wants to heal our hurt!

 2006/12/20 14:01Profile

 Re: Judgment is coming to America!

Talking about America, sister, I just read that, according to research, across the 52 countries of Europe, fewer than 4 people in 1,000 know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Only 4 tenths of one percent!

May the Lord have mercy on us! Let us pray for those that will come to know Him.

"I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours." John 17:9

In Christ,

 2006/12/20 14:08

 Re: Judgment is coming to America!

Sorry. I've obviously submitted the same message twice... As I thought about America, Europe, the world though, I remembered how the Lord Jesus had compassion on the multitudes when he saw that they were like sheep without a shepherd. And this is what the world is like, sheep gone astray. It grieves our Lord. It grieves those who know His heart. The whole world He created with His own hands! ...

In Christ,

 2006/12/20 14:10

Joined: 2005/12/14
Posts: 440


Slavyan....are you giving percentages ;-)

Judgement has already come and is still coming..."they shall eat the fruit of their own ways".
Now we could talk about the intesity of judgement if you like.


 2006/12/20 14:14Profile

Joined: 2006/12/20
Posts: 10


Hiii! it's so nice to meet you! Thanks for the comment!

 2006/12/20 15:22Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Judgement has already begun. False prophets abound. False teachers tickle the ears of the multitudes. Peace, Peace! is the message that is false. "We are laden and abound with good and riches" is the confession of the North American church yet Christ will ask have you counselled of me to "buy"?

Unless the church repents and seeks God final judgement will fall on america. It is not the worldlings that need to repent and cry out to God but the fat, lazy, church that does not see its condition and need.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/12/20 21:54Profile


Why is it always America that needs to repent? The whole world needs to repent.


I'll just kindly answer my own question. Because the whole world HATES AMERICA!!!!

 2006/12/20 23:11

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Judgment is coming to America!

The title of the thread was directed towards America. Another fact is that America has the "most light" (bible teachings, sermons, etc) far beyond the rest of the world. Per Capita it has more professional preachers over 250,000, seminaries, schools, organisations, tape ministries, etc. Yet it is the most wicked nation with unrighteousness abounding out of it across the world.

You are very right brother that the Church world-wide needs to repent. But also on there is over 70% of the viewers that are from America. I believe is is very important for America to have revival, it will affect much of the church worldwide.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/12/20 23:26Profile


Yet it is the most wicked

It depends on your view of wickedness. Drugs? What countrys supply those drugs? Opiets come from the middle east, cocaine comes from South America. Alcohol? Europe is one of the biggest exporters of alcohol. Prostitution? Russia, Tai Land, and Mexico are much worse than America. Murder? Depends on if you mean the government murdering citizens, or the citizens murdering other citizens?


 2006/12/20 23:42

Joined: 2004/4/29
Posts: 92
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



I’m not an American in fact I am an African far far from you. Of course all the church in this generation needs repentance. But let me tell you why America needs it-You first have to know why God established this nation lately. God founded this nation to be the preserver of the true Gospel. When all the world go corrupt and the truth of God was sold for rituals especially in Europe-God founded America to be a land where he can find a people to be a steward of his truth. Look at your founding fathers- Have you ever seen any political leader taking time to insert the law of God in its constitution?! Have you ever seen a parliament who give God an importance so that it take the time and trouble to print God’s name on its money! Is God an agenda at all in political meetings-but your founding fathers seemed to get God’s heart-they take the time and trouble to establish God’s name everywhere in their nation. God meant America to be the keeper of the truth-the mother of the poor- Much is given to this nation so much is expected from it. As Israel was the steward of God’s law in the old testament- America was meant to be the steward of Christ’s gospel for this modern time sending out missionaries, material and everything for the rest of the world-For the first centuries after its establishment it seemed to do that but now it is a different story. It is sending it’s bad influence all over the world morally. Where is Hollywood? Where does the greatest pornography industry exist? Who is the founder of Playboy? …..e.t.c. I think no nation has an obligation for the gospel as America does that’s why God has to deal with her harshly-She has to come back to her original purpose of establishment-Don’t be mistaken I love America it’s not because everybody hates America that this is said-Anybody who has the Spirit of God in him will not hate America but the zeal of God will burn in him for America-I truly has zeal for this nation-I want her back to her feet again! I want her back to her original purpose again! No matter what it takes-be it judgment or whatever it takes let it come to this nation-let God not leave her for her abomination, for her own ways let God take over! Let God’s time come for America! Let him say ‘ENOUGH’ And brother please be humble don’t say why America? This question is irrelevant right now just consider your own nation and your own ways be humble and ask God to come to your nation! This is my prayer for America! If we Ethiopians see other nations we would never follow God! If we ask why us Lord? why the war, the poverty, the pestilence if we say why? We would never follow the Lord-I know one thing I’m created Ethiopian and Ethiopia is the most miserable country in the world but ‘THE JUDGE OF THE WHOLE EARTH IS RIGHT!” I with all my heart humbly believe the wrong lies within us and our fathers not in God so I feel repentant I don’t ask God "Why Ethiopia?"It would be a joke if I have that question! You never ask God why? He is al-rounded pure and just! So as an American, please ask the Lord your part in his work without justifying America! We don't have to measure ourselves by ourselves (nation with a nation) but measure yourself with God and you will find the answer! A humble heart is the only way out right now for all of us!

Mekdes Tsige

 2006/12/21 1:58Profile

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