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Joined: 2006/12/16
Posts: 3

 BeenBlake comments on the Trinity

I completely agree with you beenblake the trinity is a man made doctrine introduced by the early churches We have to understand the history and background from where this belief came about. The word trinity is not found in the bible. By studying scriptures I have come to believe this that the holy spirit, God, and Jesus are three manifestations of God. Not three "persons" or distinct beings. I recommend reading the entire bible to understand the meaning of this. Jesus is the manifested presence of god in a visible form. Thats why Jesus was refered to as the first born of all creation but at the same time he says he is the alpha and the omega? the beggining and the end? this would seem like a contradiction right? How could God be the first born but at the same time have no begginning? the deity of jesus had no beginning the visible form of Jesus christ did God is spirit and no one has seen God or will ever see him God had to create a visible form where he could be seen In him was the full diety of God I dont mean to offend anyone I have many scriptures to support this if you have any questions feel free to ask Hear oh Israel the lord your God is ONE

your brother in Christ

 2006/12/16 11:23Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Re: BeenBlake comments on the Trinity

BeenBlake comments on the Trinity

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/12/16 11:36Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: BeenBlake comments on the Trinity

Welcome to SI johnl, I hope you will avail yourself of the many outstanding resources here, they have been a blessing to many.

Thats why Jesus was refered to as the first born of all creation but at the same time he says he is the alpha and the omega? the beggining and the end? this would seem like a contradiction right?

I assume you are referring to the following verse...Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
(Col 1:15)
I believe that if you look closely at the word prōtotokos which is translated 'firstborn', you will see that it has not so much to do with origin as it has to do with primacy of position. In fact, the very same word is used again a few verses later...And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
(Col 1:18)
Now we know that Jesus was not the first ever to be raised from the dead, there are old testament examples and Jesus himself raised men from the dead, so it cannot mean first in regards to origin.

So, no, this does not seem like a contradiction.

In Christ,


Ron Halverson

 2006/12/16 11:48Profile

Joined: 2006/12/16
Posts: 3


Thank you for sharing that with me. Any information on supportin the trinity that you know with me would be useful. I still dont understand completely though cuz there are so many different points of views on this subject if you could help by giving me textual support on this issue I would gratefully aprecciate it.

 2006/12/16 11:59Profile

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