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Joined: 2006/11/13
Posts: 121

 The five fold ministry

It has come to my attention that i lack much understanding on the five fold ministry. Today i learned a bit about it.

I understand a bit about each office, but, i don't completely understand how they are all supposed to work together.

It appears to me, that the five fold ministry has become a five fold minister. A single minister doing the work of 5 members. This can't be scriptural or functional. I see that this single minister is called a pastor. He does the work of the five fold ministry. This i don't believe to be correct.

A church that has a pastor who is in charge of all spiritual leading and feeding is a church with a five fold minister. Not a five fold ministry. A five fold ministry has offices of spiritual leaders who work together. I believe a man can be an extremely successful and spiritual pastor and never teach a class or preach a sermon. I believe a pastors job is to make sure the sheep get fed. It doesn't mean they do the feeding. I see that when correction comes(especially to the body as a whole) it is to come from a prophet, as it does in the bible. I see that the outreach is up to evangelists, and feeding is up to teachers. The pastors job is to make sure that the sheep are getting fed proper food, exhortation, prayer, and to help coordinate these events in the church. And apostles... the visionaries, and where there is no vision, the people parish. The main authority in the church is apostles, then prophets, then pastors. Why are pastors put in the top and there is no apostle or prophet in the church? Hardly a five fold ministry. Its clearly a five fold minister. This is unscriptural and will not work to the fullness of edification.

I do not believe it is wrong for a pastor to teach or preach or correct or evangelize. I also believe a man can be a pastor and teacher, or a prophet and an evangelist, or a teacher and an evangelist, etc. However, for one man to be the entire five fold ministry in a church is clearly not correct.

Is your pastor part of a five fold ministry, or is he a five fold minister?

Matt Chenier

 2006/12/12 3:10Profile

Joined: 2005/6/2
Posts: 5

 Re: The five fold ministry

Hi Matt,

Over the last 3 years I have been blessed to be under the ministry of a man who I believe is an apostle - he has never proclaimed himself to be such, but I believe he is. A man who spends 4 hours a day praying, is in the full time ministry throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, and India. Powerful preaching from the Word of God, and signs and wonders follow his ministry. He is truly one whom I have looked up to, and as Paul said - be imitators of me - I have been able to imitate parts of his life. The reason I expound so much is that I do believe in a 5 fold ministry, but that these 5 offices are distinct- and seperate.

I think you have the right idea - a pastor is to look after and care for the sheep. A teacher is to teach principles and the Word.

I believe apostles, prophets and evangelists are meant to 'shake up' a congregation. They have specific ministries to draw people to God, minister His love, often with signs and wonders as in Acts.

After ministry of these, it is often up to the pastor to settle the congregation - to answer, lead and guide (or seek God) his sheep in whatever questions they may have.

After typing all this I don't know how helpful it is to contribute to this thread. Sorry!

God Bless, Marcy

 2006/12/12 4:42Profile

Joined: 2006/11/13
Posts: 121



just to know you agree with some of my stuff is more than helpful. I need confirmation at times.

thank you

Matt Chenier

 2006/12/12 19:00Profile

Joined: 2006/12/12
Posts: 2

 Re: The five fold ministry

Greetings Brethren,
I will attempt to give a brief explanation that should help you with your dilemma.
You are not that far off base but this should help give a little more clarity.
First you will need to get your Bible and take a look at the scriptural basis and foundation for these very vital and much needed ministries in the Body of Christ. Eph. 4 and 1 Cor. 12, 1 Cor 14 the whole chapters will be best instead of just reading a verse here and a verse there.
Now we know that the church is built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ is the chief corner stone, right? Ok, with that in mind, it is the work of the Apostles and Prophets (even in our day) to establish the body of Christ in the doctrines of righteous and holiness as it is set forth in the whole Bible.
The apostles and prophets both have the responsibility of establishing the church in doctrine, and helping to identify and develop other gifts within the church (evangelists, teachers, pastors, etc). In these last days, the Lord is restoring these ministries and the rest of those listed in Eph.4. For years we have acknowledged and embraced the ministry of the Pastor, teacher and evangelist. Now in this hour the Lord is restoring also the apostolic and Prophetic as well. Now we need to understand that the apostle is more than just a "pastor who functions as all five of these gifts" There is a clear and present anointing and authority on his life that cannot be denied or ignored. He is one who pioneers revivals and moves of God as led by teh Spirit of God. The prophet likewise is more than one who prophesies. He is one who is able to see and hear the heart of God and bring it to the people. True prophets dont just prophesy every now and then. There is a place where the prophet lives that brings such a word that corrects, offends, and instructs the people of God in the ways of the Father. These two gifts work together. The apostle and prophet, both work to establish the body, to teach, correct, set in order, and to build the body up in a manner that enables it to function and continue the process until the return of Christ.
This is just a snipet of the functions and need for these ministries. I could forward you more info at your request. I pray this has been helpful in some sense.

 2006/12/12 20:15Profile

Joined: 2006/11/13
Posts: 121


very helpful, and once again, more confirmation. I think an in depth study on my part is in order. I will search out those scriptures you stated.

thank you

Matt Chenier

 2006/12/13 1:07Profile

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