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Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 An odd request

Hi brothers and sisters. I have an odd request for prayer. Before I ask it of you I think I should give you a bit of background first.

At different times since following after Christ I have recieved what [i]may[/i], I do not know, be called [b]words of knowledge[/b]. How this has happened is that a word, which I do not know the meaning too at the time, will come to mind, and sometimes it will continue to do so over a period of time, not continously, but [i]out of the blue[/i] so to speak. This has happened in connection with: seeking God for direction in prayer(what to pray for), in conjunction with a fast, and most dramatically it happened when I sought the Lord as to what He wanted me to do in ministry.

Well, for at least a month, perhaps two, this has happened again only it has been the name of a person, not a word. I do not know who this person is and as far as I know I've never heard this name before. But this afternoon I went on a long long walk to pray and seek after God and the name came to me again. I decided that when I got home I'd check it out.

I put the name in google and one of the links on the first page led me to a web forum, similar(not in content) to ours. I found a thread which talked about a man whose name was the same as I heard. Appearantly [b]he is in a hospital here in Philadelphia and is in a drug induced comma, which he has been in since around Thanksgiving[/b]. The last post about him was from about a week ago so the information is fairly current.

I would ask of God's people that you would pray that God would put His hand upon this in a mighty way. I will seek the Lord and give you all an update if there's something to mention. If nothing else beloved there is man who's in a hospital in need of prayer. Judging by the content of the forums I found this in I would not suspect he'd know the Lord.

But in their posts about him, they were asking for prayer.

Your's and His,


Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2006/12/11 18:42Profile

 Re: An odd request

So do you actually know this man or is it just the name of a man the Lord told you of?

It's not too rare that God does that sort of thing. There's a family at my church that felt led to pray for a girl named Ashley, though they didn't know anybody by that name. They also had it spoken into their lives that they would have a girl, though their only children are all boys (four of them, to be exact). A while later, a girl named Ashley showed up in our church's youth group. Ashley came from a very broken home, and eventually ended up living with the family that had been led to pray for her all that time before.

I'll be praying for this man. A fellow student at my school just recently went into a coma after overdosing on drugs. Seems to be happening more and more frequently these days...

This man, though I don't know his name, his situation, or even where in the world he is, is in my prayers.

 2006/12/11 20:07

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


Wonserwonton, no I do not know this man at all, only he has the name that kept coming to mind.

Thank you so much brother for your prayers.

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2006/12/11 20:56Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: An odd request

Praying thinks you should go see this man.

In Christ,


Ron Halverson

 2006/12/11 22:03Profile

 Re: An odd request

InTheLight said

me thinks you should go see this man

I agree absolutely. And go planning to pray with/for him. Maybe even take a little oil with you. You can ask his permission and get it with an eye movement or a squeeze of the hand, if he doesn't appear to be very [i]with it[/i].

(Before you ask him, try to find out how he could answer, so you do end up communicating properly.)

Praise the Lord for His Spirit's leadings!

 2006/12/12 10:40

 Re: An odd request

Jesus, in Your Name, wake him, amen.

 2006/12/12 12:19

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Re: an update

Hi everyone and firstly thank you all for your prayers. Thanks be to God for fellow-helpers in all things.

I went to visit this man in the hospital this tuesday night past; we will call him [i]James[/i].
He was awake and sitting up in his bed when I arrived. His wife was also there. He was not able to move much, or talk(from what I could tell), though his wife seemed to indicate by her comments that the movements he was making were very good...even perhaps, [i]miraculous[/i].

The extent of my visit was for the most part to introduce myself and expalin why I was there. They graciously allowed me to stay and talk with them for a while. It was hard to judge how [i]James[/i] felt about my visit there though he seemed open to me being there and not put off by it.

It appeared as though his wife is a believer in the Lord Jesus and she invited me to come back again to talk with him, perhaps earlier in the day when he would have more energy.

I give thanks to God for His abundant mercy in all of this in Jesus name.

Will write again if there is something else to mention.


Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2006/12/14 17:07Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


Amen to what both Ron and Linn wrote :-)


 2006/12/14 21:16Profile

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