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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : word faith

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Joined: 2005/9/3
Posts: 13

 word faith

my wifes sister and husband have become inv olved in an extreme word faith "church". i dont think that she is completly comited, but he is. she had a baby a few months ago, and during the whole prgnancy they said she would have a painless child birth. when the time finally came, she had a terrible labor and eventually had to have a c section. after vthis she was treated badly by the churh and her husband.
The problem is you cant talk to these people. its like dealing with a cult. even when they are approached in a gental way they just act as they are being persicuted for their beleifs. there prayers are not so much prayers as they are commands to God. They admit to "tricking"(their word not mine)people into hearing the word
I went to this church once, i had to leave when the pastor said "paul did not have to go throughall the things he wnt through if only he had more faith"
Does anyone have any experiance dealing with this, or know of any websites.

 2006/12/9 16:16Profile

Joined: 2005/7/17
Posts: 1791

 Re: word faith

The problem in the word faith cult is that they don't know what real true faith is.

Explain to them what real faith is over a frendly dinner.

Show them Hebrews 11:34-39 and contrast that with their view of faith.

 2006/12/9 17:28Profile

Joined: 2006/6/10
Posts: 668
Northern Rockies, BC, Canada

 Re: word faith

to me, almost surreal post...very sad :-( Sounding like a continuation of [url=]a particular post[/url] you did a year ago. Friend, I am not an expert on these things; however I pray the advice I put forth is a blessing, and I do it with fear and trembling lest I anger the God of the Universe for giving worldly and not Godly counsel.
Question friend: What counsel did their church give when they were going for these sessions a year ago...when her husband was beating her? :-?
you make it sound like he's a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing, and that she's being greatly manipulated by both her church and her husband. But maybe things are different now...just mental and emotional abuse?...with the information I've read thus far, I fear for her safety.
A brother or sister provided [url=]a link here[/url] a few weeks back on a well put together documentary on some popular WOF teachers.
A quote by AW Tozer: "The free man has never been a religious tyrant, nor has he sought to lord it over God's heritage. It is fear and lack of self-assurance that has led men to try to bring others under their feet. They have had some interest to protect, some position to secure, so they have demanded subjection from their followers as a guarantee of their own safety. But the free man - Never."
Please keep us updated as the Lord leads.
Some info of the WOF also at:[url=][/url]
got to go...but, maybe these will be of some help to expose some disception that runs unchallenged in churches today. We must read the Word Of God diligently and spend quality time with the Father in secret prayer.
God help us to [u][b]stand against[/b][/u] the wiles of the devil. - Ephesians 6:10-17 (kjv)



 2006/12/10 3:08Profile

Joined: 2006/11/13
Posts: 121

 Re: word faith

Read the first few chapters of 2 corinthians. Paul talks a lot about his testimony to others. He talks about godly sincerity and not "handling the word of God deceitfully." I know nothing of this cult, but i would say that there is scriptural evidence against their doctrines. Definitely there is evidence against "tricking" people. Our honesty and openness needs to be seen by the world.

Godly sincerity. Also no "enticing words of mans wisdom."

Matt Chenier

 2006/12/10 4:18Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: WOF

A quote by AW Tozer: "The free man has never been a religious tyrant, nor has he sought to lord it over God's heritage. It is fear and lack of self-assurance that has led men to try to bring others under their feet. They have had some interest to protect, some position to secure, so they have demanded subjection from their followers as a guarantee of their own safety. But the free man - Never."

Excellent quote brother, good to hear it once again and quite applicable and timely to any number of currently running posts, the contagion of this even in one of my own ...

To the matter here, try a search on "Word of Faith", much has been written in these parts and that from those who have had a great deal of experience in and out of it.

Mike Balog

 2006/12/10 9:10Profile

Joined: 2005/11/2
Posts: 3710


A very good article from CRI for apologetics against WOF movement. Part 1

Part 2

In Christ: Phillip


 2006/12/12 0:20Profile

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