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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Ten Heresies Against the Trinity

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 isnt religion fun?

You can argue over it.

You can seperate over it.

You can kill over it.

Good post Paulie, but I could only get half way thru it, before my eyes started to glaze. (I'm smiling)

ahhh, religion! as much fun as barrel of monkies.

Can I share my theology with you?

I believe God.......

oh-oh, wait a minute, I might be one of those "easy believism" types, or I might embrace a "fuzzy and mushy" Gospel, or I might not be holy enough, or I might not belong to right lower case "c" church.....

(hey ps Paulie West, pleeease brother, don't misconstrue my Saturday ramblings, wasnt meant as an insult or refutation of your initial no no. I just find "religion", so poisonous, so toxic, so fallen, it takes my breath away, and makes me long for the B'Midhbar, the desolate places, the lonely places...know what I mean?)

only Jesus saves, Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, period. What am I? Child of Abraham, follower of Jesus, period. Everything else is white noise, religion.

much love, neil

 2006/12/9 14:11


Hi Mamaluk,

While I was trying to say,was to bring out the Power that's reserved only in His Deity as part of the Triune God.

Here's what you said.

With Christ's deity nullified, His Blood and the Cross will mean nothing.

You made reference to the Cross....pre-ascension.

The scriptures say Christ emptied Himself and became like us. I don't doubt Christ power pre-ascension...but it was not His power. It was the power GIVEN to Him by the Father.

You posted two scriptures pre-ascention. One before the cross and one after the cross. They both state the same thing:

John 17:2
[b]As Thou hast given Him power[/b] over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Him.

The Father gave Him Power.

Matthew 28:18
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, [b]All power is given unto me[/b] in heaven and in earth.

Again..that Father gave Him Power.

Just to state it again..I don't deny His deity. I just agree with scripture that He emptied Himself, became like us, and the power He received He recieved from the Father.

 2006/12/9 14:17

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas

 Re: isnt religion fun?

hey ps Paulie West, pleeease brother, don't misconstrue my Saturday ramblings, wasnt meant as an insult or refutation of your initial no no. I just find "religion", so poisonous, so toxic, so fallen, it takes my breath away

Hey, Big Bart, you got me smiling! :-)

You know I love you in the Lord, and I do understand where you're coming from. I feel the same way about religion. Totally agree.

But do you think that listing these destructive heresies equates to being religious? Honestly, brother. How would you like it if a Jehovah's Witness came and brainwashed your son into believing that Jesus was not God, but merely an archangel and that the Trinity is nothing more than a three-headed pagan devil invented by the church of Rome? I mean, you don't know who is coming into these forums. Your precious son could be in here, right after being handed a Watchtower pamphlet or being solicited by a Mormon after school. Confused and unsure of the whole encounter, he comes in here and clicks on this thread. "Hey! [b]Arianism[/b] sounds a lot like what those creepy guys who knock on doors are telling me about Jesus. And here it says that it's a heresy! I better do some more research..."

Anyhow, you get the point. The only downfall is the "ism" man has attached to these Satanic perversions in order to categorize them - which I apologized for beforehand!

Big Bart, you know I love ya! and I hope you know me well enough from these forums to see that I would never post something frivolously, or without cause. I actually think this is a very healthy post!

Stay warm up there in Chi. I'm going deer hunting next week, btw. Wish you could come with me and fellowship! :-)

Little Paulie

Paul Frederick West

 2006/12/9 14:37Profile

 Heaven forbid!!

But do you think that listing these destructive heresies equates to being religious?

NO!! not at all, I havent read thru the rest of your post....but that wasnt my meaning to you at all!!! no.


 2006/12/9 14:40

 Re: two more things Pastor Paulie

How would you like it if a Jehovah's Witness came and brainwashed your son into believing that Jesus was not God, but merely an archangel and that the Trinity is nothing more than a three-headed pagan god invented by the church of Rome?

not worried at all, his mother, God bless her, she was the one that led me to an AoG church I got saved, she ACTUALLY went thru the entire year long roman catchcism (spelling) and became a catholic, do you believe that? and I gotta keep quiet, coz, trust me, if I start to refute her thing, there is NO profit that will come from that, me and her older sister, (a Spirit-filled prayer warrior have been praying for her.

Now my boy, does not and will not go to the mass. Its not that I been shall I say....its not that I been slamming romanism to him, but this boy asked Jesus into his heart and life on the day I was water baptized and he was baptized with me...all on his own, at the Leading of the Holy Ghost, so he can feel it in his spirit that the whole thing, the mass is just wrong, and she, Thank God, is wise enough to know NOT to make him, she's not stupid, she knows half them roman priests are predatory homosexual child molestors, so she's not gonna drag him into that mess.

He goes to a Full Gospel Tuesday and Sunday youth fellowship group Bible study, thank God!

I'm not worried, faith, the lad has discernment.

I did say one thing to him, I told him the pope calls himself the "little christ", and he looked at me and said "that aint right", and I said, "there ya go".

AND you wrote:
I'm going deer hunting next week, btw. Wish you could come with me and fellowship!

wish I could, put I got me 60 pounds of venison in the freezer, and just recieved my brand new JC Penney hand meat grinder, bot some cut up pork meat, got some 75% ground beef, and we are gonna make some deer burgers, melt some Swiss on 'em, some Sweet Baby Ray BBQ hot and spicy sauce, and we're good to go.

God is good, supplies us with provision, nourish the body, nourish the soul.

May your aim be true, and your knife sharp.

God bless you , neil

 2006/12/9 15:26

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


"Pastor" Paulie, huh?

That's a new one. :-P

just recieved my brand new JC Penney hand meat grinder

Hey, those little hand-cranked meat grinders are pretty hard to find. Wal-Mart doesn't carry them, and neither does Target. You need to go to hardware stores in Texas...and only then, if you're fortunate enough to find one.

Last year I butchered my own and made about 20 pounds of jerky, but this year I think I'll relent and take the deer to a processor, and get lots of breakfast sausage instead. Of course, I can kill a total of five with my permit. Gotta love deer sausage, man! Maybe God will give me a turkey too while I'm out there. Stock up the freezer with all kinds of goodies this Christmas!

Little Paulie

Paul Frederick West

 2006/12/9 15:46Profile

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