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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Allah had no son

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Joined: 2006/10/18
Posts: 125
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 Allah had no son

Allah had no son! that's one point that we and muslims agree on...

But Jehova God did! and his name is Jesus. you will not get to heaven through any other name, method, or approach then thru Jesus Christ the Son of God! that's apoint where we "slightly" differ.
God bless...

 2006/12/8 12:29Profile

 Re: Allah had no son

A good point... I hadn't realized that about Allah.

Praise Jesus!
Thanks for sharing.

 2006/12/8 12:38

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK

 Re: Allah had no son

But Jehova God did! and his name is Jesus.

You are confusing things here. The name Jehovah is the name of God, not merely the Father.

Ron Bailey

 2006/12/8 13:05Profile

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