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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Abide In Me.

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Joined: 2006/1/8
Posts: 50
Edge of Sodom

 Abide In Me.

[color=blue]"And has put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church" (Ephesians 1:22).
When we SEE an ever-increasing Christ Who is destined to fill all things then we will be delivered from smallness and narrow-mindedness. We do not overcome a thing by focusing our attention and directing our energies against that THING. "Things" will keep us busy from morning until night, and from night until morning. May GOD deliver us from "things" and show us His Son! We
must learn to keep the focus of our heart on the Lord Jesus Christ, Who MUST increase. Then there is no room for "things" anymore. They are simply swallowed up in Victory.[/color]

[color=red]From: The Revolutionist His Bondservant Forever In Christ Jesus[/color] :-? :-)


 2006/12/8 12:00Profile

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