Poster | Thread | crsschk Member
Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Re: Us, them, further introspection | | As it relates to this post and it's heading in particular ...
To be fair and honest with ourselves is there not much repenting needed by way of unexamined motives .. namely our own?
For all that is wrong, needs to be addressed and even rightly so, still, something underneath all this is troubling ... that it is not troubling. Something of a smugness that could just as easily be termed "How to be an armchair religious critic"?
The point to drive at is where is our confession and admittance? Not by way of contrast or comparison but by way of being embittered rather than broken. Too often it seems too easy to hold ourselves above it all, forgetting ...
Must be said as the want is almost always one to launch to conclusions ... [i]This is not to say ...[/i]. It is a purposeful distraction from the problem of popular preaching and it's ill's, the destructive ... heresies that they are, all these things are true in great measure ... But I do wonder more at the overlooked aspects, our compulsions our real reasons, are we truly grieved or just spouting off? It may be so, it just rarely seems to break the surface, sounding more like critics than mourners.
Just food for thought saints. _________________ Mike Balog
| 2006/12/20 9:12 | Profile | Yeshuasboy Member
Joined: 2006/6/10 Posts: 668 Northern Rockies, BC, Canada
| Re: | | Quote:
bartle wrote: Brother,
But your going wrong in your posting by calling a man "cowardly", and in essence a "fool(ishness)".
First Neil: I did not say the man was cowardly and in essence a fool. You, Neil, have twisted my words. Re-read what I did say, and please do not twist the words of others for whatever are your reasons.
Didnt you pick up that Larry King's question was a "bait" question? This is a secular program with a secular audience, and they are just looking for the opportunity for a Christian "pastor", "preacher", whatever you want to call him, to pronouce judgement and hellfire on a secular audience, so they can turn around and say, "see! This is a "christian".....and THIS is the Gospel?
Seems to me by your above quote you are "assuming" things, since these things never happened in the interview. Shall we not stick to the facts even if we donot agree?
The Good News, the Gospel is "repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is near you". GOOD NEWS. to Larry, I would explain, that the curtain leading into the Holy of Holies was ripped in two, and that everyone, thruout the world can now enter into the Holy Of Holies....the "Kingdom of Heaven is near you".
...It was Joel Osteen's interview was it not?
Joel used the words "very careful", he didnt say "afraid". Now Richie, you ever been in front of a secular audience? You have to be careful about the words you choose, you have to speak with unction, to use the Word, to make people ENVIOUS of so great a salvation, make them ENVIOUS of the JOY we have IN CHRIST.
Look Neil...You seem to be going off abit on some tangent other than the original post...just my opinion. I'm in front of a secular audience the most part of every day Neil. I work in an "extremely" Christ-despising environment. My life, Christ through me, is more of a witness than my words are; although, if I sin in conversation then my words are a witness against me. I get, as you say, "bait questions" tossed at me all the time as well. It's apart of my life...just the way it is. The Pharisees did the same to Jesus, no? It happens all the time to His children who live out in the world and are commanded to be seperate from them.
You speak of what Paul would have said, what do you think what Paul meant in First Corinthians 19 thru 23?
I never said what Paul would have said Neil...again, you are twisting my words.
But they, the secular audience out there is weak, some dont even believe in God, or that the Bible is the Word of God, its like pearls to swine, and if a guy goes out there Holy Ghost guns blazing and calls down hellfire, in a question that is a "bait" question, he is doing Christ no service.
Don't even know where you're going with that paragraph either...But I must say, I've met more stronger-willed unbelievers than those that profess Christ as Lord.
Mind you and I will say this again, I am no follower or fan of the ministry of Joel Osteen, but I'll tell ya what, and this thread is perfect example: in my Bible, on the upper margin of page 1768, I wrote "sermonindex" above this verse of Romans: "Therefore, let us stop passing judgement on one another. Instead, make up you mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way". Romans 14:13
Now, I want to say something about myself Neil, because if you knew me, which you don't, I believe you would have a better understanding of where I was coming from. I will, again, be very clear on this....I choose to "call a spade a spade", and I do it to myself all the time. I have made choices based on fearful expectations in the past...things that I said which were cowardly and foolish at the time because I was fearful of man. Let's say it like it is...If someting is wrong, it's wrong; if it's sin, it's sin. If I make excuses for my behavior, my words, etc...what good will that do? God commands me to practice certain things that I donot fall into temptation and sin. And if I choose to neglect what He wants me to practice (taking thoughts captive, prayer, etc) what will happen? BACKSLIDING, APOSTOSY, PERDITION...No? We must be filled with Godly sorrow for our sins like David and Peter were and not worldly sorrow like Saul was and Judas. Now I'm getting off topic. I still believe Neil that men that call themselves Reverend and Pastor and donot say that salvation is through Christ Jesus alone, saying someting else, are speaking from a different spirit and are deceived. They bear false testimony and therefore bear false witness. They must repent, as I have to repent, as you...the true body is called to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. There are many other things I could say in regards to all of this, but I think in all seriousness, "it" speaks for itself. A Jewish brother in the Lord has written an insightful paper on judging righteously and unrighteously...[url=]Judge Not[/url] By the grace of God, I learn when my heart is open to submitting to God and His ways. Joel Ostten had time to prepare for his interview with Larry King. "My" opinion is that he should have been more prepared in the power and in the grace of Christ Jesus. And this I do know: I can learn by the mistakes of such men as these, or I can follow them. I rather take heed lest I make the same mistakes. Always, always desiring prayer from the Body of Christ... richie (PS. Still learning to use the "quote" function properly...) :-) _________________ Richie
| 2006/12/24 4:30 | Profile |