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Joined: 2006/8/12
Posts: 313

 Witness of a beating.

Just about 30 minutes ago. Me and my friend were driving home and I saw a man beating up a women. I told my friend to stop the car but he was kind of mystified and then I just called the cops and prayed.

This was shocking to me. Within a month I've seen a car crash RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and then this. Doesn't sound like the enemy trying after me, but does sound like SOMETHING is going on.

I pray that Justice will be done. And I feel that the Lord will do so. But I also pray that the Love of God may flow into that women's life. To ever be attacked must be tramatic, weither she knew the guy or not, still painful.

So, I post this that you pray for this lady. I have no clue her name, cause again, we were driving home.


 2006/12/5 19:59Profile

 Re: Witness of a beating.

Let's pray for the man, too.

 2006/12/6 5:57

Joined: 2004/4/5
Posts: 952


Please save these two people.
Convict them, in Jesus Name.

 2006/12/12 22:08Profile

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