Just about 30 minutes ago. Me and my friend were driving home and I saw a man beating up a women. I told my friend to stop the car but he was kind of mystified and then I just called the cops and prayed.This was shocking to me. Within a month I've seen a car crash RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and then this. Doesn't sound like the enemy trying after me, but does sound like SOMETHING is going on.I pray that Justice will be done. And I feel that the Lord will do so. But I also pray that the Love of God may flow into that women's life. To ever be attacked must be tramatic, weither she knew the guy or not, still painful.So, I post this that you pray for this lady. I have no clue her name, cause again, we were driving home.Thanks.
Let's pray for the man, too.
Father,Please save these two people.Convict them, in Jesus Name.