Philosophy major, eh? Well done! I have a friend who is writing a PhD on philosophical skepticism in the 17th century, around the work of John Dryden. This has necessitated his reading of scripture for the first time. I am amazed at the work God is doing in his heart, the more he wrestles with real truth, in the context of this present age and the pressures of modern academia. He used to think he wanted to be an Eng Lit academic, but he sees through all that now, and without doubt, I see God leading him into a teaching career, where he will show philosophy up for what it is, as God-ordained to not be able to lead people to Himself.
Now, about your friend. My son gives me this line about belief in God being absurd, and claims the ideal personal belief system is true anarchy. It doesn't take very long to see how close this is to true Christianity.... so apart from prayer, I would continue to show your friend the many similarities between belief systems and truth, but always pointing out that Jesus Christ could say 'I AM the TRUTH'.
When my son says how easily we could manage without God in the picture, I am quick to say "That's ridiculous....! Without God, there would BE no 'picture'." (or, "There would be no world to do science on."
Remember how the serpent was quick to say to Eve 'You shall not die', before he went on to dispute what God had said? Well, a great deal of what comes out of the mouth of atheists is similar. It is direct contradiction to truth. Having laid that false platform, the unbeliever goes on to build a structure which can be best described as flimsy.
I realise it is very difficult when a person refuses to read the Bible, but, a truly honest mind will realise the Bible cannot harm them, [i]especially[/i] if it is fiction..... That's the challenge..... And we know that the word of God is powerful and quick (quick = life-giving) - as a two-edged sword.
Lastly, I would draw your attention to this - that evolutionists cling to this theory, because it protects them from dealing with sin. If creation was not God's doing, then they need not take note of Jesus Christ His Son. However, Romans 1:18 - 22, 23 - 26, shows what happens to people whose intellectual powers are used to deny the truth about God. Personally, I believe this is a very valid challenge to give to anyone who thinks they are wise to refute God's existence..... how DO they deal with this pronouncement by such a historically proven and respected mind as Paul's?
These are some places you could go with your friend, if you have not already been. And wait on Him. The word of God works. Simply pray, and trust that the words God gives you in these conversations ARE doing what He has sent them forth to accomplish. I'm sure it hurts your friend's pride immensely, to think of having to relinquish he long-held (possibly childhood-acquired) morality and mindset. Remind yourself how long it takes a believer to have his mind renewed AFTER he has received the Holy Ghost, and give God credit for being able to use you in this man's life. Love him and respect him, as well as warn him. And keep yourself from his idols.