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Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 Books For Troops: THE CALLED is Going to Iraq ...

i'm posting this here because i believe i'm experiencing a series of small miracles that's leading to larger ones ... :-D

THE CALLED is a novel which i know some on SI think of as misguided nonsense, but i'm content with "if God be for it then who can be against it" ... Time will tell ...

Anyhow i was watching BOOK TV when an ad came up for sending books to troops, instantly i felt led of Holy Spirit to look into it ... i did and was (i believe) led to BOOKSAMILLION.COM who directly sends "books to troops" ...

After contacting them to get THE CALLED on their list i was first told that because it's a "print on demand" book that it wasn't eligible ... i prayed, then wrote back asking "what difference did that make" as they listed them "in stock" and that i wanted to send 100 copies (20 a month) bought from them ... The next day it was listed on "books for troops" ...

But this is what has excited me most ... BOOKSAMILLION cannot ship any bulk books listed under "Religion & Self Help", which i initially asked to be placed under, to any Muslim countries ... When i went to BOOKSAMILLION's troop site THE CALLED was listed under "Fiction" ... Now i remember how upset i was when it was first published that it was categorized as "Fiction", but because of this it is eligible to be shipped to troops even in a Muslim country ... i've chosen Iraq (B-2-B), there are 20 now on there way!

It's amazing, they'll allow in "The DaVinci Code" (which The Called is listed along with) but not a Bible ... i just wonder how long THE CALLED will be able to slip under the radar, but more intriguing what will Holy Spirit wrought in such a place by it? ... i wonder what could happen if it got into the hands of a muslim over there, or into the hands of a yet unsaved soldier who may be marked for death but gain eternal life just before by praying the sinner's prayer in the epilog ... What-ever, and how-ever, i just want God to get the glory out of it and that He use it in the salvation of souls where-ever! ...

[b]Anyone wanting to send "Books To Troops" can do so here;[/b]

[b]BAAM.COM (books for troops)[/b]


[b]THE CALLED on SI:[/b]

[b]THE CALLED (Amazon Reader Reviews)[/b]

[b]THE CALLED to Pres. Bush ...[/b]

Another thing that's happened is i believe Holy Spirit directed me to send a gift book (via Amazon) to about 20 people so far, one being Pres. Bush ...

When i first began to hear this in my spirit i thought to our Lord that this didn't make much sense financially, because i could get a far better price if i bought directly from the publisher and sent them myself, but i did as i believe led ... It wasn't until later (because of being able to track the gift) that i realized that a package addressed to someone concidered important, from Amazon instead of this Joe Blow, had a much better chance of reaching them ...

The book to Pres. Bush was initially posted "recipient not home - will return to sender" ... Needless to say that deflated me, but again i prayed ... The day after next it read: DELIVERED ...

This is the gift note i sent;
"Dear Pres. Bush - Voted for you twice and still praying hard for you. I know you read, so I hope this book finds its way to you. In light of current events I think you'll find it interesting. God bless you and
America! - RR"

About 2 months later i recieved a hand caligraphied envelope with a card inside actually signed (not stamped): George Bush ... Now i don't know if someone else signed his name, but i do know THE CALLED must be pretty close to him, if not by God's will in his hands, for me to get in reply this kind of acknowledgement ...The card (with a really cool looking raised gold presedential seal) reads in type;

"Thank you for your kind gesture, and prayers. I appreciate your
thinking of me. May God bless you, and may God continue to bless

THE CALLED is enjoying moderate movement and i thank God for it, and am increasingly anticipating and filled with excitement of where i'm praying He will take it ...

i've asked Him if it's His will that THE CALLED will be used of Him to blow such trash as The DaVinci Code clear out the water, and that the only book to outplace it be His own Holy Word the Bible! ...

And God knows i'm just foolish enough to believe He's in the process of making it so!!! ... :knockedout:

 2006/12/1 12:56Profile

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