Poster | Thread | rookie Member
Joined: 2003/6/3 Posts: 4821 Savannah TN
| Re: This is real good to find Bible guidelines | | The fruit of Satan produces war.
In Christ Jeff _________________ Jeff Marshalek
| 2006/12/29 1:02 | Profile |
| Re: | | Got to agree with Krispy:
'' Bad things happen when good people do nothing. Semper Fi. Krispy '' God can make all things work for good though the things may not be of His perfect will. I think ww 1 and 11 would not have come about if the Nations had been more Godly and acted on Gen 12:3 regarding being blessed or cursed according to how they treated the Jews- the Apple of His eye. Even though they were and still are blind to the Messiah our saviour and the active covenant being still in effect. I feel we are at the crossroads of 1939 in this day again and the so called ' peace now' crowd are Biblically deluded to think they can force Israel to give up her God given lands and put her people in danger without serious repercusions to themselves and their liberal humanist 'leaders' who ignore Gen 12:3 . My thanks go out to all who sacrifice to protect the free world and espescially those Christians who realise that only Christ can make us free and follow their duty to their nation against the many terror blocs such as the Palestinians and Islam proponents. .02 jj |
| 2006/12/29 11:06 | | jlosinski Member
Joined: 2006/9/11 Posts: 294 North Pole, Alaska
| Re: | | I suppose as the original poster of this thread, I should put in another two cents or so.
As individuals, as Christians, we have a duty to the new covenant brought by Christ, and our faith/action which He explicitly laid out in the sermon on the mount. This is what the military would call a "code of conduct". As being an active participant in this current war in Iraq Feb 2003-Sept 2003 I cannot reconcile the words of Matthew 5 and the war in Iraq, they are mutually exclusive to me, I could be wrong, please let me know.
To be more precise, I should clarify that "war" is a very general term that tends to overlook the individual killings , the actions in a 4 hr firefight are more precise. To see and feel the loss of life is astounding, and I can say without apology that you learn the sanctity of life vs. whatever cause you are fighting for the first time it gets passed down the line that one of your fellow Marines has been killed.
My question is this; Can you love your neighbor as yourself, if that neighbor is a stranger that you're shooting,ect...? I am reminded of Luke 10:27-29
God bless us, Joe
| 2006/12/30 3:26 | Profile | IRONMAN Member
Joined: 2004/6/15 Posts: 1924 IN HEAVENLY PLACES WITH JESUS
| Re: | | bro Jlosinski
I suppose as the original poster of this thread, I should put in another two cents or so.
DUH!!! :-P
As individuals, as Christians, we have a duty to the new covenant brought by Christ, and our faith/action which He explicitly laid out in the sermon on the mount. This is what the military would call a "code of conduct". As being an active participant in this current war in Iraq Feb 2003-Sept 2003 I cannot reconcile the words of Matthew 5 and the war in Iraq, they are mutually exclusive to me, I could be wrong, please let me know.
you know bro this is something we ought to consider. now as a soldier you do indeed have a duty to fulfil but if it somehow causes discomfort in your spirit, seek God on what you ought to do.perhaps it may be the branch of the military could reassign you or something. the word in Romans 13 speaks to governments and their reponsibilites and those in the armed services who are appointed to bear the sword. it seems to me that there is a necessity for war in God's plan and some of us have to play that role.
To be more precise, I should clarify that "war" is a very general term that tends to overlook the individual killings , the actions in a 4 hr firefight are more precise. To see and feel the loss of life is astounding, and I can say without apology that you learn the sanctity of life vs. whatever cause you are fighting for the first time it gets passed down the line that one of your fellow Marines has been killed.
this is something very few of us can identify with, the loss of someone close to you in an engagement. all of a sudden it hits you in the face and you're forced to ask "is this worth it?" to me by virtue of the situation being as it is (and this applies to all things) says that God has deemed it necessary to the ultimate purpose of creation as outlined in Ephesians 3. His perspective is infinately greater since He formulated the whole plan and is seeing that it is executed.
My question is this; Can you love your neighbor as yourself, if that neighbor is a stranger that you're shooting,ect...? I am reminded of Luke 10:27-29
this is an excellent question bro. as i went to read that passage, Christ goes on to talk about the good samaritan. if you remember, Judeans, and Samaritans are both Israelites, separated from the time when the kingdom was torn in 2 after solomon went crazy with those women. they hated eachother. the man who got beat up was judean yet his brethren didn't help him, instead a samaritan had compassion on him. it is easy to love a neighbour we like...not so easy to love one we are at war with it. perhaps the way to love someone you're shooting at is to spread the gospel among his brethren. what do you think? _________________ Farai Bamu
| 2006/12/30 14:57 | Profile | rookie Member
Joined: 2003/6/3 Posts: 4821 Savannah TN
| Re: | | Quote:
I feel we are at the crossroads of 1939 in this day again and the so called ' peace now' crowd are Biblically deluded to think they can force Israel to give up her God given lands and put her people in danger without serious repercusions to themselves and their liberal humanist 'leaders' who ignore Gen 12:3 .
What if God is again judging Israel?
Are they a faithful nation or a secular nation?
In Christ Jeff _________________ Jeff Marshalek
| 2007/1/1 14:57 | Profile | IRONMAN Member
Joined: 2004/6/15 Posts: 1924 IN HEAVENLY PLACES WITH JESUS
| Re: | | bro Jeff
What if God is again judging Israel?
Are they a faithful nation or a secular nation?
bro Jeff this is an interesting question...and you quoted what bro JohnJames said about Gen 12.
[b]1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. [/b]
our Lord just revealed something to me about this which i would like to share. now this seems a spiritual no-brainer but let us consider this.
Blindly supporting Israel with the expectation for any kind of gain is not what God had in mind here at all. i feel many Evangelical Christians are misguided concerning that very issue. Abram was blessed of God because he obeyed God and those who were blessed through him were blessed because they were also obedient to God. We can't support Israel in whatever she does if it is in disobedience to God because then instead of being blessed, we too will reap the curse of that. If we support Israel in her disobedience how is that helping her? Israel needs to repent and come to Christ ust as we do, just as the world does also.
what if this [u][i][b]is[/b][/i][/u] judment on Israel? if we don't let her know and call her to repent we too will perish...we know the truth about Messiah yet we support Israel in every way except giving her the gospel as we do be a Jew is not enough, one must be saved by Christ or there will be hell to pay.
i fear the state of Israel as she stands now must first be undone, abased, destroyed before she can be raised to what she ought to be, the Apple of the Father's Eye. She is no different now than in the days of old with her harlotry, the only medicine is judgement. this reminds me of what Art Katz was talking about in the sermon series on Ezekiel, prophet of resurrection.
we seem to be blindly supporting an apostate nation like Egypt did when Babylon threatened. well we know what happened after that, Jerusalem was taken and Egypt was also destroyed...
God help us!AMEN
_________________ Farai Bamu
| 2007/1/1 16:53 | Profile |