Poster | Thread | PreachParsly Member
Joined: 2005/1/14 Posts: 2164 Arkansas
| Schools adjust to transgender teachers | | I work at a school and get newsletters of what is going on in the "school world." I thought I would share this. It's so horrible.
Since the article specificly says not to reproduce the content, I will just post the link.
[url=][/url] _________________ Josh Parsley
| 2006/11/29 16:04 | Profile |
| Re: Schools adjust to transgender teachers | | Oh brother... whats next?
Glad we homeschool!
Krispy |
| 2006/11/29 16:41 | | roadsign Member
Joined: 2005/5/2 Posts: 3777
| Re: There is a bright side too. | | On the brighter side and THIS will never get published in any paper; no one will be passing this news around:
First let me explain that in Canada the public school boards forbid anything about God. Christmas is supposed to be called the Holiday Season.
YET: The public school in my town has allowed me to freely go in and prepare the kids for a concert to be performed in an evangelical CHURCH function! Imagine that, I get to teach the kids about God, and godliness in the school. And there are all those carols that teach about the Good News! And were going to have a nativity. Im teaching them how (St.) Nicholas was raised by Christian parents and, after they died 9 while he was still a kid) he chose to obeyed the teachings of Jesus, and give his inheritance away to the poor. At 24 yo, he was put in prison because he refused to worship the emperor etc. He was persecuted for his faith. Some parents will be coming to the church.
Its an exciting opportunity! And Im sure that there are countless examples like this all around North America. They just never hit the press.
I just thought Id insert this little (unrelated) item here, because disgusting news headlines like this can make us feel really crumby. We see only dark clouds. Dont let the press get the best of your attention!
God is still saying, Hey, folks, Wana come see what Im doing!
If we focus on what the crazy perverted people are doing to corrupt the world, we will fail to see the many great opportunities God is opening up for us to be a witness for him.
The shepherds witnessed the great Announcement. Why didnt the Pharisees? _________________ Diane
| 2006/11/29 17:55 | Profile | PreachParsly Member
Joined: 2005/1/14 Posts: 2164 Arkansas
| Re: | | I pray that everything goes well! _________________ Josh Parsley
| 2006/11/29 22:24 | Profile | Compton Member
Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re: | | Quote:
Its an exciting opportunity! And Im sure that there are countless examples like this all around North America. They just never hit the press.
Well said Diane!
We are prone to miss the donuts for the holes...We are shaped more by the news then by scripture... almost as if our hope is connected to the same powers and systems that the world loses sleep over. We even buy into their plotlines and learn their scripts to describe spiritual battles...'neocons', 'liberals,'...
What you are doing 'under the radar' so to speak demonstrates something wonderful...Jesus can visit and speak to any heart he wants to...moving freely through the social and political walls that divide and imprison men.
Little do the school officals realize whose precious feet are passing through their doors when you enter their building sister.
MC _________________ Mike Compton
| 2006/11/30 1:35 | Profile |
| Re: | | That is very exciting, Diane!
Krispy |
| 2006/11/30 7:25 | | roadsign Member
Joined: 2005/5/2 Posts: 3777
| Re: about news that makes us sick | | Quote:
We are prone to miss the donuts for the holes...We are shaped more by the news then by scripture... almost as if our hope is connected to the same powers and systems that the world loses sleep over. We even buy into their plotlines and learn their scripts to describe spiritual battles...'neocons', 'liberals,'...
A leading psychiatrist once told me that the media fosters neurosis. The News leaves people feeling helpless and hopeless. They can do nothing about what they hear/read about. We shouldnt be subjecting our minds to that pathological stuff, or offering it to others.
May God send some psychiatrists to SI!
I find it most amazing that we get fussed up about such words as gosh in our posts, but fail to see the camels that we freely invite into our tent like news reports from those ten reporters who announced the giants in the Promised Land. Why did they do it back then? Why do we do so now? Why do we harm ourselves? Where really is our penchant????
I recommend that SI hold a 40 day fast from all those news items that pay more homage to the devil than to the Lord, and do nothing to strengthen our faith.
Jesus can visit and speak to any heart he wants to...moving freely through the social and political walls that divide and imprison men.
Im beginning to realize that it is really we who erect the walls. Why?
(Pardon me for getting a bit over-reactive. Sometimes I receive forwards from well-meaning Christian friends - about all the bad stuff, the conspiracies, etc aahhhh! Please, my poor mind!)
_________________ Diane
| 2006/11/30 7:54 | Profile |
| Diane roadsign | | Quote:
A leading psychiatrist once told me that the media fosters neurosis. The News leaves people feeling helpless and hopeless.
you got it! Hit the nail right in the head.
Thanks be to God and the Lord Jesus, none of it makes me feeling hopeless and helpless, quite the opposite. Its like watching a well defined squall line headed right for you; what do you do?
get in the House built on the Rock, and have confidence in the Foundations sunk deep into Christ.
oh yeh, Diane, I promise I won't use the word "gosh" anymore...or even "gee". Actually when someone's talking AT me, I usually say "my my my"...just like the black preachers
and if its bad enough, I might conclude the strand of "my my my's " with a heartfelt, "Lord have mercy"....and I mean that "Lord have mercy"
ESPECIALLY when I look at a picture of Ms. McBeth.
Lord have mercy.
that poor soul.
would to God some saints start peering into mirrors searching intently for sawdust.
my my my.
neil |
| 2006/11/30 9:58 | | Compton Member
Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re: Diane roadsign | | Quote:
A leading psychiatrist once told me that the media fosters neurosis
I'm sure it does.
For centuries people had enough to deal with from their own community and geographic the moment something awful happens anywhere on the planet it gets technologically pumped into your brain. It's not natural.
It's nothing but a form of control. The world is 360 degrees but the camera lens captures only 10 to 18 at a time...and we think we see reality on the screen. Indeed, some Christians watch the news and imagine God is speaking to them through the edited editorials of the nightly editions.
Keep in mind that news media is designed and produced for reception, not perception. When you walk into a house the furniture will tell you where to sit it is when you enter the mindspace of the news media...they are beckoning you to meditate upon their precepts...not Gods.
Not all of it is dark and troubling like Iraq and Korea. Some of it is the issue of economic and social justice. But even these pre-cooked meals are not true Bread of Life. The poor man cries out "Tell my brother to give me half his inheritance" and we nosehooked Christians raise our voices in agreement "Yeah that policy sounds right!" Jesus replies "Friend, who appointed me as your judge and arbitrator? Take care to gaurd against all greed...
Small wonder, amidst a billion pixels and wavefiles of calculating, fretting, and provocation...consensus and contested consensus, special interest histories and revisionary guile,...small wonder that even prophets, who should be isolated from the voice of man, can become neurotic from the endless pursuading, preaching, and postulating of policy pundits and economic experts...unwittingly merging God's word entrusted to them with the very fears God has set us free from...
Only God can know the future and the solutions for our problems...and so I believe that if the Western Christian would grow straight and tall in God, the children must pull their eager lips from their digital nursemaids. If we keep flipping through the CNN's, BBC's, Foxe's, and trolling the bloggosphere for the inside scoop perhaps it's because we have forgotten who our Highttower is. Indeed, for this reason it may be healthy to abstain from even the many churches who have allowed their pulpits to be part of the distribution of this news media confusion.
Remember the song...Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus?
A literary note; Dante wrote about the particular suffering of certain ghastly souls who arrived in hell with their heads sewed on backwards because they had spent their Earthly lives always trying to know the future.
Only fantasy of course but Dante raises the question...what is the difference between fervent prayer and fearful neurosis? One will lead you to the safe arms of Jesus, and the other will keep you up at night worrying about Islam, cursing political opponents, and burying gold coins in your backyard.
_________________ Mike Compton
| 2006/11/30 13:45 | Profile | iansmith Member
Joined: 2006/3/22 Posts: 963 Wheaton, IL
| Re: | | My focus of study in university was on North Korean Nuclear Diplomacy -suffice to say, that nearly three years later, none of the jobs I've taken have had anything to do with what I studied. For my part i recognized that my studies made me uneasy, irritable, anxious, cynical and fatalistic. As a Christian I recognize that biblically things are gonna have to get worse, much worse, before they get better -but that doesn't mean we have to live in a state of fear. In fact if anyone should be living upright in this world, without fears of what other men can do, it is the church. The media is quite clearly a tool of the enemy -of course its going to propogate the enemies distorted reality to the people of this world. As Christians we're supposed to stand in the gap, give an alternative, however often we're strung along by the same media and the forces behind it. Keith Green said that Jesus wasn't an American and he wasn't a Republican... as much was God has blessed this nation (I apologize to all the international readers) we have to recognize that the enemy has used those same blessings to bring people into darkness -whether it be knowledge, freedoms, material wealth. The same freedoms that were given us to worship freely have been extended to preversions of sexuality and teaching and will continue to do so -because from a humanistic standpoint, a non Christian in this post modern world isn't going to be able to say that a Christian belief is any more valid than a transexual one... back to what i said before, its only going to get worse before it gets better -the key is to save as many as possible before that happens. _________________ Ian Smith
| 2006/11/30 14:35 | Profile |