I read this from someone who is close to Paul Washer on GNN;I have friends who are close to Paul and his family. I received this e-mail today and I knew everyone here would be in prayer for Paul and Charo. Thanks saints! Quote:Anyway he was supposed to go preach not far from Becka and Erin this week but had to cancel cause of chest pains. He was in the hosp. today but they said he just had high cholesterol and too much stress. His wife is pregnant again. She is the one who they told could have no children!! They have two boys right now. Anyway his dad died at 42 of a heart attack and Paul is 40 so no doubt he had a bit of a scare.
_________________Doug Renz
May God's blessing and peace rest on Him. After reading accounts of men like M'Chyene I wonder that many of God's soldiers do not burn out before 40. I just added this to my signature it is very fitting:[i]I grieve that my love is no stronger, and that I am no more like Him. I wonder at His glory, and sink before Him with shame. How is it that the soul being of such value, and God so great, eternity so near and yet we are so little moved?- William Bramwell[/i]
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
No doubt there are many on this forum who value the minstry of Paul Washer and will definately be in prayer to God for him.Thank you for letting us know.God bless.
today but they said he just had high cholesterol and too much stress.
_________________Robert Wurtz II
Thanks guys for bringing this up,Have been richly fed by the mp3's from the recent Heartcry conference...praying for Paul and his family is time very well spent indeed.Robert your kind course correction and seasoned perspective is much appreciated. Blessings,MC
_________________Mike Compton
Father,Please touch Paul in Jesus Name.