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Joined: 2006/6/19
Posts: 927

 Campus-wide Gathering in Arkansas, Prayer Needed

Dear brothers and sisters,

The Lord has allowed us to have another campus-wide gathering at Arkansas Tech University. The meeting will be a gathering of all professing Christians on campus who choose to attend. A time of worship, prayer, and an exhortation from the scripture.

All prayers for this event are greatly appreciated and I ask a special prayer that the speaker would have God's burden for these people laid on his heart. This college suffers greatly from a lukewarm "Gospel".

The event is scheduled for 7:00 PM, November 30th (Thursday).

I will post back here what takes place at the event afterwards.

Thank you all so much for your prayers! :-)

Taylor Otwell

Taylor Otwell

 2006/11/28 22:21Profile

 Re: Campus-wide Gathering in Arkansas, Prayer Needed

We'll certainly be praying for you all. I'll pass the request on to my family.

May the Lord bless this event with a mighty pouring out of His Spirit and a stirring within many hearts to seek the Lord!

Thank you for sharing.

 2006/11/28 23:10


Just bumping this up to remind everyone to be praying for this work going on in Arkansas this evening.

 2006/11/30 19:08

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164


This college suffers greatly from a lukewarm "Gospel".

Oh my, yes brother it does. I'm an ATU Alumni. I only wish I was more bold in my witness while I was there.

I'm curious, what organizations are hosting it?

EDIT: Did the winter weather stop anything?

Josh Parsley

 2006/12/1 0:24Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


and an exhortation from the scripture.

I prayed it would be a strong word to speak to any lukewarmness in Christians. There is a holy seperating coming between those that are godly and ungodly amonst professors of Christ.

It will come down to soon those that Profess but do not posses, and those that profess and possess the Christ they preach, speak of and pray to.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/12/1 0:37Profile

Joined: 2006/6/19
Posts: 927


I am back with the report of the meeting.

I believe the meeting went well. The message was an call to seek God earnestly... by the means prayer, the Bible, and being seperate from the world.

Praise God that we got to gather and a call to seek God was preached!

Thank you for all your prayers! :-)

Taylor Otwell

 2006/12/5 15:45Profile

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