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Joined: 2006/11/17
Posts: 28

 Answer my three questions?

I have Three questions that I would like to ask you please get answers.

1. What are the three main festivels of people of Isreal?
2. Where did David established Temple and why did he established in that particular places?
3. What was the name of Jerusalem before the named given as Jeruselam?

I will look forward get your answers.

thanking you


 2006/11/24 9:07Profile

Joined: 2004/11/29
Posts: 364
Decatur, Illinois

 Re: Answer my three questions?

3. What was the name of Jerusalem before the named given as Jeruselam?


Joe Auvil

 2006/11/24 12:24Profile

Joined: 2006/11/23
Posts: 397

 Re: Answer my three questions?

1. If I remember correctly, The Feast of Tabernacles, The Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Passover.
2. Well I don't think David established/built it right? Solomon did that, and as to where, I don't know. But it was a place that had some significance I think, but basically it was in Jerusalem.... let's see...

"Abraham journeys three days from Beershiva or Garet to Mt. Moriah (the Temple Mount) in Jerusalem to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice in obedience to God's command. God provides a substitute. (Genesis 22, Hebrews 11:8-19)" via

So it seems that it was built on the place where Abraham was tested and whatnot, then it makes sense for God to place the Temple right there as that was sort of a climatic point in Abraham's life and in the spectrum of God's plan or whatever for His creation.


 2006/11/24 13:32Profile

 Re: Answer my three questions?

2. Where did David established Temple and why did he established in that particular places?

Read 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21-22 for your answers to this.
"Then David said, This is the house of the LORD God, and this is the altar of the burnt offering for Israel." 1 Chron. 22:1

 2006/11/24 13:39

Joined: 2006/11/17
Posts: 28

 Re:Thank you

Thank you for answering my question. I have lot of questions which are coming up from our pastors. if you give me permission I will ask you some of them please answer me.

my another question

Where was Altal during the Jesus time? Please give me with full support refernces.

Looking for your reply
thanking you


 2006/11/24 21:14Profile

Joined: 2004/9/28
Posts: 957
Cleveland, Georgia


What is Altal?

Hal Bachman

 2006/11/26 22:00Profile

Joined: 2006/9/28
Posts: 108


I couldn't find Altal in scripture however I googled Altal and it showed it to be also known as Tal, a city in Syria.
Don't know the answer to your question though regarding Altal during Jesus' time or if this is the Altal you are asking about.

 2006/11/26 22:20Profile

Joined: 2006/11/17
Posts: 28

 Re:I am sorry

I am extrmely sorry for my poor typing. it is not Altal but it is Altar.

Where did Altar during the time of Jesus?

I will be looking for your reply

Thanking you


 2006/11/27 2:29Profile

Joined: 2006/11/17
Posts: 28

 Re: hello

I am sorry for my mistake in typing it is not Altal but it is Altar

Where did Altar build during the time of Jesus?

Looking for your reply

Thanking you


 2006/11/27 2:31Profile

Joined: 2006/12/4
Posts: 8


1. Jews have 7 feasts, 4 in spring and 3 in the fall.
Unleavened bread
Feast of First fruits
Feast of trumpets
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
Feast of Tabernacles

2. David prepared the site for the Temple and prepared all the materials, but was not allowed to construct it. The temple site david prepared is the same place we call the temple mount today. 1 Chronicles 21:18-30 David bought it from a man named Ornan who was using it as a threshing floor. The Jews say that it is the spot where Abraham offered Issac, but Isaac was offered at the peak of Mt. Moriah and the temple mount is about 70 feet from the peak of the mountain. If you leave the temple mount and travel about 70 feet to the actual peak of Mt. Moriah you will be standing on the spot where Abraham offered Isaac. It's called Golgatha.

3. The first time Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 14, When Abraham has to go free Lot who has been captured in a battle. On his way back he runs into a man named Melchizedek, King of Salem. Salem means "peace". This city becomes a Jebusite city later and eventually it is taken by the Isrealites when they take over Canaan. It has been renamed Jerusalem which means, "city of peace".

4. Solomon's temple was destroyed by Babylon. Later Zerubabel rebuilt in the same spot. This was added on to by Herod and became known as Herod's temple which was present when Jesus was on earth. The altar was just outside this temple, pretty much on the same spot as it was with Solomon's.

 2006/12/4 23:23Profile

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