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Joined: 2006/11/17
Posts: 28

 Jehovah Jireh By Yesuratnam

The lord whom we believe is the only one who is able to do what he has promised. He will never ever put us to shame. He always keeps His promise in the life of His children.

Abraham had to wait long time to see the promised child Isaac. After receiving the promise, he was so blessed and rejoicing the Lord’s provision.
However, one early hour of the day, Abraham heard from God to offer sacrifice what was given to him after long years of waiting. Abraham obeyed
to the voice of God without questioning the sovernity, simply recollecting the Jehovah Jireh. Abraham knew what will happen when he obeys the Lord, at the same time he also knows what happens if he disobeys the command of the
Lord. He obeyed the Lord with complete surrender and experienced the blessings of the Lord of promise. It was there on the mount Moriah Abraham
understand the Lord as Jehovah Jireh.

This is what the Lord wanted us to do these days. We believe the way how Abraham received the blessings and became father of all believers. We want to receive the blessing of God; we ought to obey the command of our Lord.
The AGWA ( Abundant Grace Welfare Association) are always at the command and demand of the Lord. As we move out with a step of faith like Abraham we are able to see Jehovah Jireh promises. I know there are people who keep on praying and waiting even after receiving the command of the Lord to move out for greater blessings. They keep on waiting without understanding what it do
next. Prayer and waiting are very important but at the same time it is also essential to know the voice of God and step out. When Abraham heard, he made a step out by faith. Similarly all the Old and New testament saints moved and then only they could see the blessings of God and the provisions of God.

Everything happened thus far in our ministry is just because of the obedience to the voice of God to move out in faith for greater blessings.Thanking God for keeping the faith of Abraham in our lives. When we started planting churches and caring for the orphans we did not know how we are
going to do because humanly speaking we did not have anyone to back us financially except the voice of God. The Lord’s provisions were there
exactly when we were in need. Lord, give us this day our daily food has become a reality in our lives.

Please reply me your voluble thoughts

Thanking you
Pastor. Yesuratnam


 2006/11/23 10:36Profile

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England

 Re: Jehovah Jireh By Yesuratnam

Are these your own articles that you are writing?

 2006/11/23 11:38Profile

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