(notice what she DOESNT say...the Name of Jesus)November 19, 2006Questions for Katharine Jefferts SchoriState of the Church Interview by DEBORAH SOLOMONQ: You just took office as the first woman to head the Episcopal Church, and curiously enough, you come from a science background, having worked as an oceanographer for years.I worked on squids and octopuses.As a scientist with a Ph.D., what do you make of the Christian fundamentalists who say the earth was created in six days and dismiss evolution as a lot of bunk?I think its a horrendous misunderstanding of both science and active faith tradition. I understand the great creation story in the scientific sense big bang and evolutionary theory as the best understanding of how we have come to be what we are: not the meaning behind it, but the process behind it. Genesis is about the meaning behind that.Your critics see you as an unrepentant liberal who supports the ordination of gay bishops. Are you trying to bolster the religious left?No. Were not about being either left or right. Were about being comprehensive. How many members of the Episcopal Church are there in this country?About 2.2 million. It used to be larger percentagewise, but Episcopalians tend to be better-educated and tend to reproduce at lower rates than some other denominations. Roman Catholics and Mormons both have theological reasons for producing lots of children. Episcopalians arent interested in replenishing their ranks by having children? No. Its probably the opposite. We encourage people to pay attention to the stewardship of the earth and not use more than their portion. Youre actually Catholic by birth; your parents joined the Episcopal Church when you were 9. What led them to convert?It was before Vatican II had any influence in local parishes, and I think my parents were looking for a place where wrestling with questions was encouraged rather than discouraged. Have you met Pope Benedict?I have not. I think it would be really interesting. He became embroiled in controversy this fall after suggesting that Muslims have a history of violence.So do Christians! They have a terrible history. Look at history in the Dark Ages. Charlemagne converted whole tribes by the sword. I think Muslims are poorly understood by the West, and it is easy to latch onto that which we do not understand and demonize it. What do you make of Ted Haggard, who just stepped down as the head of the National Association of Evangelicals, after he was accused of cavorting with a gay escort?I think its very sad. Were always surprised when we see peoples clay feet. Our culture seems to delight in exposing them. I think we have a prurient interest in other peoples failings. You cant blame the Haggard case on the culture or the media. It isnt a story about sex so much as the disturbing hypocrisy of a church leader.But were all hypocrites. All of us. Youre very forgiving.I like the word shalom. I use it in my correspondence, I use it in my sermons, and thats how I sign my e-mails shalom. To me it is a concrete reminder of what it is were all supposed to be about.Because it means peace in Hebrew?It means far more than peace. I think its a vision of the human community. Those great visions of Isaiah every person fed, no more strife, the ill are healed, prisoners are released. You were previously bishop of Nevada, but your new position requires you to live in New York City. Do you and your husband like it here?He is actually in Nevada. He is a retired mathematician. He will be here in New York when it makes sense. I hear youre a pilot. I got my license when I was 18. You have many talents.Many crazinesses, many passions.[img]http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2006/11/16/magazine/19questions.jpg[/img]