In light of the many discussions we're having about Christianity and politics, i thought this history of events might be informative to anyone interested ...[b]Karl Rove -- The Architect[/b] true interest in all this is how do such novel events fit into God's plan, which sometimes is revealed to us as time passes, and tho many see the Evangelical vote as soley manipulated by Karl Rove (the architect), we all know who THE ARCHITECT really is, and how will He make Rom. 8:28 apply to us in this regard, whether we're right or wrong in this oft devisive subject?
what's interesting is that most of these guys Rove ran with don't think he's religious or a man of faith at all...
_________________Farai Bamu
Bro. Ironman you wrote;"what's interesting is that most of these guys Rove ran with don't think he's religious or a man of faith at all..."Yep, but his middle name is Christian (said in jest folks) ... But if that's the case it would'nt be the first time God used an unbeliever to "move" His people, if in fact via Rove God did so with the Evangelical vote ... And if it was of the devil, no matter either "for we know ALL things work together for the good of we that love the Lord and are the called according to his purpose" ... Bottom line is no matter what we win, and nothing gets past God's ultimate will, purpose and plan - That's why He's the almighty!Doc, you know how much i love history, and like with all these days we can even get short term history ... That segment on Rove called "The 30 Year Plan" was most revealing, in that it seems Rove was groomed by some inner force (some say the devil, others say God, but you and i both know whomever God always gets the glory in the end) when he was very young to concieve of a 30 year plan to put and keep Conservatives in political power ... The mere fact that his sister said that as a young man when others of his peers had up posters of rock and sports stars he had one up on his wall that read "Wake Up America" ... Whether Rove is Christian or not Doc i think we can both identify with his weirdness, except He's made our posters read;"Wake Up Church" ... :-P
hey bro Rahman
Yep, but his middle name is Christian (said in jest folks) ... But if that's the case it would'nt be the first time God used an unbeliever to "move" His people, if in fact via Rove God did so with the Evangelical vote ... And if it was of the devil, no matter either "for we know ALL things work together for the good of we that love the Lord and are the called according to his purpose" ... Bottom line is no matter what we win, and nothing gets past God's ultimate will, purpose and plan - That's why He's the almighty!
Doc, you know how much i love history, and like with all these days we can even get short term history ... That segment on Rove called "The 30 Year Plan" was most revealing, in that it seems Rove was groomed by some inner force (some say the devil, others say God, but you and i both know whomever God always gets the glory in the end) when he was very young to concieve of a 30 year plan to put and keep Conservatives in political power ... The mere fact that his sister said that as a young man when others of his peers had up posters of rock and sports stars he had one up on his wall that read "Wake Up America" ...
"Wake Up Church"