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Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England

 Rick Warren on youtube

Some of you might have already seen this.

As you know Rick Warren went to Syria recently.

There is a one minute clip of him in Syria on youtube.

You might be interested, you might not.

God bless.

 2006/11/16 10:25Profile

 Re: Rick Warren on youtube

Rick Warren...? Oh, is he still around?


 2006/11/16 10:30

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England


Unfortunately, yes.

 2006/11/16 11:49Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Here is his website:

This is a attempt not in the power of the Spirit of God to transform this world to a sense of "peace" but not with the eternal God.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/11/16 11:56Profile


.... ya dont suppose Rick Warren is planning on signing a 7 year peace treaty with Israel... do ya?? :-o


 2006/11/16 14:20

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 1519
Santa Cruz California


The video is gone now. You know who else met with the mufti of Syria in the past? Adolph Hitler, and Robert Schuller( Warren's mentor). Just throwing it out there, make of it what you will.

patrick heaviside

 2006/11/16 14:26Profile

Joined: 2005/7/26
Posts: 524
Tennessee, USA


This is a attempt not in the power of the Spirit of God to transform this world to a sense of "peace" but not with the eternal God.

Is this of God, or your own opinion?

In Christ,

Blake Kidney

 2006/11/16 16:53Profile

Joined: 2006/9/28
Posts: 108


Ya know, I used to work in a school district where there was one small faculty lounge where the staff could eat their lunches and unwind a bit before going back to class.

There was really no where else to eat except at your own desk (in my case the health office)
The problem was that while in the faculty lounge trying to eat my salad always and I mean always two or three would begin to engage in gossip and bad mouthing other staff who were not in the room.

It made me so uncomfortable, in no way was I revived and ready to go back to my office, I would leave feeling angry and upset.

And at those moments choking down my lunch as quickly as possible I always longed to be among "church" people where grace and love were the meat of the chat.

If we wonder why revival is not coming, I think we should first look at ourselves and the tearing down we do, the words we say that are not good to the use of edifying so it may minister grace to the hearer. The catty gossip, the "I am spiritually superior to you" kind of lounge lunch.

I'm not talking about whether you are right or wrong but I have to say that this lounge often makes me feel like I am back at that school.

If revival is not coming perhaps we can look at the spirit behind our day to day "lounge talk" which says a lot about where we are in the progression of If my people which are called by my name .....

You might invite me to go back to my own desk and eat but I would rather be ministered to by the grace, humility and love by you saints I long to be with. It is better for the digestion. :)

 2006/11/17 7:02Profile


KD... ever taken a serious look into the teachings of Rick Warren? Some of us have, and it's pretty scarey.

Discussing his teachings, and what he says and does publicly, is hardly "gossip". It's not wise to just accept any ol' teacher/preacher just cuz he has a big display down at the Christian Bookstore.


 2006/11/17 9:17

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England


You know, if you don't want to hear or read anything negative, don't read the Bible!

I read that 90% of the Bible is negative.

Where these people get these statistic from, I don't know.

What I do know is after Genesis 2, it's all downhill from there.
Sin enters the world along with it all the bad that you can imagine.

The Bible tells us that false teachers and teachings will arise. And it is happening.

So, if 90% of the Bible is supposedly negative
grab on to the 10% and make the most of it!

God bless.

 2006/11/17 10:40Profile

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