Hello,For myself resently I've been listening to Zac Poonen. I've heard man hours of his preaching, '72 basic topics of a Christian Life' and his study on 'Christian leadership' which is under."Audio sermons""Zac Poonen"and within the first 3 pages.He does exactually what the last chapter of Ecc. says to do.He rightly arranges many proverbs. Simplifies them and teaches other.He taught on some subjects I've never heard of such as "Dead Works" which is different from 'Good works' and 'bad works'. Plus his humility is easily heard throughout his messages. So, if your 'new' to being a Christian. I encourage your bible. But along with your bible, this man's teaching. Although, I didn't like some of his teaching, in general, he was feeding my spirit greatly.Be blessed.
I can second this recommendation, Zac Poonen is an outstanding Bible teacher. Greg has close to 600 of his sermons here on SI, you can find them [url=https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=157]HERE[/url].There is so much good stuff from him but I would especially recommend his series titled 'The Real Jesus' and also the series titled 'Laws of the Spiritual Life'.In Christ,Ron
_________________Ron Halverson