has developed over the last 20-30 years into an organized movement
The more they continue to say, "Homos are victims" and "Christians are bigots" and "Homos deserve rights" and "Homos are good people" and "Homos can't help their homos," the more people believe it and culture changes. And it changes one comment at a time, one person at a time.
Big Amen to that! The church does not have a vision for holiness. There is even division on what is sinful behavior. Ultimately, we are the problem. Jesus said "let your light so shine" and "ye are the salt of the earth." How bright and salty are we? The church is no longer looking to the Word as a standard, but to humanistic teaching and relativism. I had to correct my own mother last week on evolution with the bible. Simply amazing what people will swallow when they are not watchful. Makes me wonder, How much have I swallowed?Well the worse this country gets, the more Christians are going to be sifted--wheat and chaff. In the end, persecution will come--one of those promises of the bible we just would rather ignore.Amen. God help us!
_________________Neil Long