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Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


From Ohio--- Detroit's music has had much influence in these parts.


 2006/11/16 7:37Profile


might there be another Krispy on the way soon?

LOL... if there is then either my wife has some explaining to do... or I'm gonna get very rich suing a certain urologist I saw in July 2005.

This dog spends his days laying on the porch now.


 2006/11/16 8:23

 Re: The Changing of the Thread

Ya'll realize that this forum is going to be closed real soon if we don't get back on topic and get serious.

Spend time meditating on God's Word pleading for light. He will take you on a journey of delivery. It is day by day. Like any other wrong bent, it often takes a long time to be straightened out. But be sold on God's plan and timing. Anticipate God's help through this time.

When I commented at the beginning of this thread, I was not trying to give license for gays to have their way, no not at all. I am not concerned about what they do out there in the world today, the world is engulfed in gross sins and have been since the beginning of time.

What I am concerned with is how we deal with those who are coming into the faith, who are seeking change and only find condemnation. This is my beef with the Church. Homosexuals who are seeking change KNOW full well that it's a sin, they don't need to preached at time and time again that it's a sin, they know it, their conscience is bearing witness that it's wrong.

For example you take one of your kids who done wrong, you correct it. Then you keep correcting that child for the same wrong over and over again. The child is not doing that wrong, but you keep reminding him of it and and keep punishing him for something that he is not doing. That is how the church is dealing with homosexuals who are in the church seeking change. Eventually they will leave because of the wieght of condemnation from the church.

God is not pleased with this.

 2006/11/16 10:36

Joined: 2006/8/17
Posts: 111
Middlebury, Indiana


We need to realize that the homosexual agenda is a very depraved lifestyle that has developed over the last 20-30 years into an organized movement to change times and laws. First sodomy laws were outed. But that was the start, now we are seeing the main desire--outing God! The aim is to change society to make it friendly to all sorts of wickedness. Next stop gay marriage. Then, polygamy, Then, who knows, maybe hate crimes. It's to thier advantage to make Christianity look as bad as possible and themselves as good as possible. It helps their cause. Sympathy has gained the homo agenda miles of ground. These "victims" though a very small minority, are gaining control of political and social structures, foundations like education. Worse yet, they are gaining a foothold in the hearts of people, again via sympathy coupled with relativism. I found an excellent site that nails the homo agenda to a T: [url=][/url]

So it shouldn't be any surprise that they want the indoctrination to begin as young as possible. Culture is created by education. Marx and Hitler new this. That's why Germany and the EU don't want homeschoolers. They can't control what they don't educate.


Why? God has handed them over to a reprobate mind. Romans 1 tells us the scenerio. I'm not real sure why people think that things unacceptable to God should be acceptable in the church. It's a sad day that we even have to contemplate this foolishness.

Final thought, too bad the "church" is so wrapped up in division. Imagine what a force a unified, truth-loving, biblically correct church would be especially in the western world if we were one! If we were actually unified in love like the bible says. It's sad to say, but the homosexuals are much more unified than the church today. I'm not talking about ecumenism, but the church--the called out ones--whose foundation is Jesus Christ. May repentance come to the house of God!

Through it all. God is still on His throne and in control. Praise His holy name!

Neil Long

 2006/11/16 12:53Profile


Ya'll realize that this forum is going to be closed real soon if we don't get back on topic and get serious.

Yes and no... I agree with you that we should stick to the subject, but you're new here. I've only seen them shut down threads where arguments get heated to a point where they are a detriment to the board, the posters, and generally a bad witness... and rightfully so.

There is usually an ebb and flow to almost every thread, due to someone saying something that provokes a thought or idea from someone else.

There is grace, my friend.

Welcome to the forum, by the way. Nice to have you aboard.


 2006/11/16 13:10


That's why Germany and the EU don't want homeschoolers. They can't control what they don't educate.

This is true... and there are those in America that would ban it if they could.

Not without a fight from your's truly tho.


 2006/11/16 13:35

Joined: 2006/8/17
Posts: 111
Middlebury, Indiana


Yep, "No homeschool in America," Fightin words for sure! The other being "No home church." :)

Neil Long

 2006/11/16 14:26Profile

Joined: 2006/8/17
Posts: 111
Middlebury, Indiana


I couldn't care less what a fool has to say.

Just trying to get back to the original thread one more time. I'm with you Krispy on that one. I couln't care less what this man (who thinks he is something when he is nothing) has to say. Bad thing is that he is worshipped in the world and, therefore, what he says eventually does matter. This has more to do with my earlier post. The more they continue to say, "Homos are victims" and "Christians are bigots" and "Homos deserve rights" and "Homos are good people" and "Homos can't help their homos," the more people believe it and culture changes. And it changes one comment at a time, one person at a time. Another bad thing is that this principle has also worked against Christians in the same way--negative campaining. Anymore people think Christians are raving lunatics that have lost touch with reality.

Neil Long

 2006/11/16 14:45Profile

Joined: 2006/7/17
Posts: 140

 Re: a candle in the wind...


IRONMAN wrote:
i wonder brethren if any of y'all liked the above song...both versions for Marilyn Monroe and Princess Di.

*the candle burned out long before...the legend ever did*

JennRich writes:
I know you won't believe this (well, maybe you will), but once I visited a tiny church in Kentucky where the pastor actually quoted from the song "Candle in the Wind" as his inspiration for his whole sermon. And he didn't even open the Bible, nor quote from it.
This is beside the point of course, but I LOVED the old Elton John songs when I used to listen to that kind of music. . . Crocodile Rock and all that . .LOL. . . but I'm extremely sad about his lost condition and the foolish things he's been saying lately. Such would we be if God hadn't illumined our minds to truth.

Jennifer Richardson

 2006/11/16 23:20Profile

Joined: 2006/11/16
Posts: 15

 Re: try an even more hideous thing... go into a government school and try telling the kids about Jes

I'm new and was just checking out the forums when I spotted your comment about telling kids about Jesus in the public schools...the truth is that we can give the Gospel to kids in public schools. I help with after school Gospel Clubs. As long as other clubs are allowed, we can't be banned. Yes, these young children are being indoctrinated to the world view, but God has not allowed them to be shut off from HIM!

 2006/11/16 23:42Profile

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