Why the EU? Because Revelation seems to indicate that the antichrist will come out of the revivied Roman Empire. If you look at the geography of the EU... it bears a striking resemblence to the geography of the old Roman Empire. China was not part of it, and no one knew about the US back than... except the American Indians... and they werent about to tell anyone. Krispy
While there are many ideas about how Islam fits in, I would suggest you dig around a bit into biographies of Mohammed himself. For there is an interesting common denominator with Islam and the Roman Catholic Church. Namely Mohammed!When Rome wanted Jerusalem, they helped to form an army to fight for them the Muslims. Mohammed had been raised and taught by Catholic tutors, and his first wife was a Catholic. Mohammed's most prized daughter was named Fatima which if you look was also the place where Mary supposedly appeared to worshippers. Mary has been appearing to Muslim folks as well.Why would Rome want Jerusalem? One reason is that they were ashamed to find out that Peter is not buried in Rome as they had said. He is in Jerusalem. The Peter that is in Rome is beleived to be Simon Magus from Acts, who is also believed to be the first pope.It is no secret that as you look through history, you will see the Roman Catholic Church time after time joining with the enemies of Jewish people. Especially in World War 2, where there are pictures of the pope in meetings with Hitler. The Roman Catholic Church had freedom to worship while Jews were rounded up and slaughtered. In the same way, a similar situation happened in Rhwanda where the Catholic Parishes became slaughter houses because the people(Tutsis) fled there for help only to be betrayed by the Hutu friendly Roman Catholics.Now in our day, we see the line between Protestant and Roman Catholic being so blurred that you can definately see the foundations of the false religious system to come.
_________________patrick heaviside
Thats why we should run, not walk, away from ecumenism.Most Christians today think the RCC is just another denomination. Not true at all. It is another religion... a false, idol worshipping religion. It's Baal worship at it's worst.Most Christians in the US and most of Europe are too fat and lazy to learn anything. They are spoon fed by teachers on TV who dont know the truth from a hole in the ground... and thats just the way Satan wants it.Krispy
True, Satan has done a masterful thing in getting people to neglect their Bibles, and also when you look at the generations from the 60's on, there has been such a dumbing down. Noone wants to know about history.Go into a Christian bookstore and try to find classics. You may find Foxe's Book Of Martyrs, but where are the other works that testify of the war that was waged against Protestantism by the RCC.As we approach Thanksgiving, it would do us well to understand what and who those Pigrims were fleeing from.
Yea... and then the Puritans came here and were extremely intolerant and oppresive toward others who had a different theological bent then they did...Round and round it goes.At any rate, there has to be a dumbing down in order for people to give up their liberties. Informed, intelligent people do not just accept everything as it comes down the pike. People who are more concerned with American Idol do...Krispy
brethrenit may well be interesting to note that the 12th Imam is going to come on the scene during a time of great unrest, (hence Iran's bid to start chaos...to usher him in)to bring peace for a period of 7 years...that sounds like antichrist to me...
_________________Farai Bamu