Pres. Bush says Rumsfeld is stepping down ... the beat goes on ......
No doubt this was an option play by the Bush administration to protect Rumsfield from a more agressive Dem.. controled congress, pending the election results. Probably a smart move.
Rumsfeld was a huge liability to the Republican party, as the exit polls show, the war in Iraq is enormously unpopular.Having him on board until the 2008 elections might not have bode to well for them.How might the elections have gone if he was ousted sooner?The neocons are waining in prestige - Incumbent Senator Allen from my home state of Virginia was yet another casualty.
Bro Daryl you wrote;"No doubt this was an option play by the Bush administration to protect Rumsfield from a more agressive Dem.. controled congress, pending the election results. Probably a smart move."Yes i agree, a prudent move - but one i'm sure was already discussed and in the works ... i wonder if Rumsfeld would have been out tho if the Republicans had of held the Congress/Senate ... Tho i believe Rumsfeld's ousting was more to protect Pres. Bush, now that he's got to contend with Pelosi and the Dem's ...Many folk could'nt understand why Pres. Bush didn't oust Rumsfeld pre elections, but i do ... Seems the Pres. and i share some similar character traits, that of a strong sense of loyalty, and a tenacity that goes beyond all reason ... If satan has hold of such traits in a man it's disastrous to him and all concerned, but if God does it will work out to His glory/purpose and plan, and that to me can only be good!
Chariot you wrote;"The neocons are waining in prestige"Amen ... that's what i heard on the news the other day ... In fact it was said that with Rumsfeld gone VP Cheney is the only one left, and with Gates coming in the whole neocon movement is stymied ... i think it's interesting how so many of Pres Bush 41 people are now involved in what to do now in Iraq ... But as with everything that happens in our world, particularly now and with America, i'm always wondering how these events fit into the march of God's plan down thru time ... i'm a person who believes that every second of our present that slips into past is concrete proof of Gods will being done soveriegnly or by His permission ... And so i watch and wonder in awe just how the neocons involving America in Iraq fits into God's plan for this nation and the world ... i firmly believe that this war which is indebting our already indebted nation at a most alarming rate will prove instrumental in toppling our idol of materialism, and all associated with it's worship, most particularly in the House of God ... But as they say;"More news at 11" ...i just listened to this FRONTLINE program that outlines just how we got to Iraq, and the strong neocon history between Rumsfeld and Cheney and their persuations on Pres. Bush ...[b]THE DARK SIDE[/b]After 9/11, Vice President Richard Cheney seized the initiative. He pushed to expand executive power, transform America's intelligence agencies and bring the war on terror to Iraq. But first he had to take on George Tenet's CIA for control over intelligence. just keeps getting more intriguing as it goes!