This point of view may seem strange, but here goes! Is death (which is the result of sin) punishment, or cure ? Is the Father punishing man for his sin by sending him to Hell or is he seeking to destroy sin ? Why did He cast Adam from the garden ? So he would not put out his hand and eat from the tree of life (Genesis 3:22). God hates sin and seeks to destroy it ! 'He who has died is free from sin', Paul says: I through the law died to the law, through the law of grace we die to the law of sin and death, Paul tells us in Galatians that 'the law was our school master to lead us to Christ', Christ sets us free from the law , how ? Through his death which we have been baptised into (Colossians 2 :12). Jesus died for us , so we can die with him , because of the grace of the Father we are included in that death which He died to sin. The imputation of sin through the law is not punishment, instead it is what free's us from the law , but it has only one minister the man Christ Jesus. 'Mary shall concieve a son and you shall call Him Yeshua, for He will save His people from their sin', not from punishment or Hell !!!
_________________James Sparrow
Hi CaptianJack,
not from punishment or Hell
_________________Robert Wurtz II