[b]Some who read these lines[/b](The life and letters of John Angell James)Consider that the eternal loss of the soul is not a rare--but a very common occurrence! So far from being a rare thing for a soul to go to hell--it is a much rarer thing for them to go to heaven! Jesus tells us that the road to eternal destruction is thronged; while the way to eternal life is traveled by few. Hell opens its mouth wide--and swallows up multitudes in eternal perdition! Every day brings you nearer to everlasting bliss--or everlasting torments. You may die at any moment; and you are as near to heaven or hell--as you are to death. Some who read these lines will very likely spend their eternity in hell."Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction--and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life--and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Fact is people are going to hell, but we plain don't care. Does it look like we do?The church is almost on a level playing field with hollywood, in it's cheap entertainment it calls 'church', and it's 'cure-all' programmes that it promotes instead of the Lord Jesus Christ.I guess as long as we won't spend eternity in the lake of fire, then, it is not our problem.God had a problem with it. Which is why He sent the Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins, something we seem to forget.God bless.
most of the people are going there.... and the sadest part is most people dont belive they will.... and its our job to warnm them and tell them about him that can save them... and what he said everyone must do to be saved...