I have a request that im hoping someone can kindly help me with with. My Pastors wife heard T.D.Jakes doesn't believe in the Trinity. Is this true and is there anything to back this up as she's looked at his website but cannot see anything to suggest this. Have you any links we should look at? Thank you!
this should be fun.sit back sister Geraldine, this will be a 50 post thread.He's oneness, thats all I'm going to say, there are others here who will be more than happy to inform on his ministry.bartle
Check this link out:Link: http://www.pfo.org/jakes.htmlHe's not just oneness, he word of faith.My old pastor got a prophecy from T.D. Jakes at a conference, that the church was to grow by members significantly within the year. ooopppsss. it dropped in size, and the new building was put on hold.we should definitely be praying for him and all other people that are affected by this false gospel, he can have such an impact for christ, as well as the other preachers.
"Lord, help to open these people's eyes to the truth."
_________________Matt Kroelinger
this should be fun.sit back sister Geraldine, this will be a 50 post thread.He's oneness, thats all I'm going to say, there are others here who will be more than happy to inform on his ministry.
I'm glad somebody brought this up because he was on the front cover of Time Magazine, years ago, with the headlines "The Next Billy Grahm". It seems like the Bible Belt loves him but for some reason I can't pinpoint why I'm careful with him. From what I heard him preach is good (snippets), but I don't want to sit there and watch him just so I can assasinate his character, trying to find everything that's wrong with him. So why doesn't my mind agree with his?
_________________Leonardo Santana
Geraldine:Have you any links we should look at?
_________________Rey O.
You might like to take a look at [url=https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?viewmode=flat&order=0&topic_id=5951&forum=36&post_id=&refresh=Go]Trinity and T D Jakes.[/url] It may have some extra information for you.
_________________Ron Bailey