I humbly submit the following article for reference concerning the Will of men. [url=http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/onsite/freewill_chantry.html]Man's Will - Free yet bound[/url]
sis Diane
And yet, Jonah was not led by a ring in his nose. He exercised his will.
Philip, on the other hand was literally carried by the Spirit to the Ethiopian. But thats not how Jonah got to Nineveh. "Jonah obeyed.." Jonah 3:3 In the fish he learned that you don't mess with God. He repented. And so when called again, he walked in the right direction.
Perhaps it would be worth distinguishing between a will that acts willing and a will that acts reluctantly. Either case, one is responsible for his choice, but the latter does not please God.
_________________Farai Bamu
with a dollar or two in their pockets:http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=29223&item=330041157155
R.C. Sproul has some videos out right now on this subject. Check them out.[url=http://www.ligonier.org/]Click here[/url]www.cornerstoneorlando.orgwww.myspace.com/kristycwhite
To SteveNoel who said
If so, does this not appear to put the responsiblity for his sins all those years on God?