[b]The unsearchable riches of Christ![/b](Thomas Brooks)There is everything in Christ to encourage the greatest sinners to believe on Him, to rest and lean upon Him for all happiness and blessedness. Christ is . . . the greatest good, the choicest good, the chief good, the most suitable good, the most necessary good a pure good, a real good, a total good, an eternal good, a soul-satisfying good!Sinners, are you poor? Christ has gold to enrich you. Are you naked? Christ has royal robes, and white clothing to clothe you. Are you blind? Christ has eye-salve to enlighten you. Are you hungry? Christ will be manna to feed you. Are you thirsty? He will be a well of living water to refresh you. Are you wounded? He has a balm under his wings to heal you. Are you sick? He is a physician to cure you. Are you prisoners? He has laid down a ransom for you. "The unsearchable riches of Christ!" Ephesians 3:8
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon