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Joined: 2003/6/3
Posts: 4821
Savannah TN


Thankyou brother

In Christ

Jeff Marshalek

 2004/2/27 17:27Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Thankyou brother

What an amazing way to serve God in your daily life. Me and my sister have been going nuts making 50-100 copies at a time of these cds and just leaving them all around Toronto. In Telephone booths, on trains, buses, and washrooms! lol The Lord is honouring the giving out of these cds for free, I know lives are being changed just not sure which ones. :-P

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/2/29 22:32Profile

Joined: 2003/4/18
Posts: 777


WOW, I can't believe it's taken me this long to listen to this. It is intense! I'll be leaving some stray copies of this around in some public places to be listened to.

Jeremy Hulsey

 2004/3/1 0:34Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


WOW, I can't believe it's taken me this long to listen to this. It is intense! I'll be leaving some stray copies of this around in some public places to be listened to.

I just posted about the Revival Hymn in another thread: [url=]Revival Hymn, compilation CD's and the like...[/url] I feel that the Revival Hymn is an evangelistic tool to lukewarm Christians. And the 'Freedom CD' is for unbelievers. I would encourage you and others to make copies of the Revival Hymn and leave it on church pews with just the word 'REVIVAL' written on it. It's sure to impact some medicore Christians and turn them on fire; fervent in Spirit serving the Lord.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/3/1 0:38Profile

Joined: 2003/12/18
Posts: 5


I would like to know what this freedom CD is and how to obtain one?? What is this all about and how can I listen to it??? THANKS!!
my email is [email protected]

grace and mercy,


 2004/4/18 0:45Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA


Hi sister, welcome!

Hope you are getting around O.K. here. You want to go back to the first post on this.
Go to the "goto next page" at the top here.

Here is a brief overview of navigating through the replys in the forum.

You can view the reply's two ways: above the top right of this reply you will see two boxes;

"Flat" and next to it "Newest First" or "Oldest First" (which you can switch on the drop down box)

This reply (That you are now reading) would be the "Newest" and the very first post the "Oldest" Depending on which you prefer, you can have the order reversed.

I know it can be confusing at first, especially if there is multiple pages (It still throws me off sometimes)

At the top and/or bottom of the page you can also go to "goto next page" which will advance you to the...well, the next page :-)

In this case here, the explanation is in the first couple of replys along with the files for this compilation. It originated from another site and I believe you can get the "CD" there, but all the files are here for downloading and you can make your own if you have a CD burner.

Mike Balog

 2004/4/18 2:15Profile

Joined: 2003/12/18
Posts: 5


Thank you! Thank you! That did help. Very kind of you. ALthough I still have re-read it to understand it LOL. I do have another question: DO you have to go to the exact subject you posted a msg on to see the replies---the reason im asking is since it was my post i personally put on here will it tell me if I have any replies to any of my messages where it says: "you have ___ messages" by my name after I log on. I was wondering about this because what if you forget where all you posted notes...i mean do you have to write all of them down ea time to then find them again? Thanks!!!!!! :-o sometimes very confused...

In love with Jesus


 2004/4/18 21:20Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA


will it tell me if I have any replies to any of my messages where it says: "you have ___ messages" by my name after I log on.


I was wondering about this because what if you forget where all you posted notes...i mean do you have to write all of them down ea time to then find them again?, not exactely.

When you first log on you can click on the "View Account" on the upper left (Or click on your log in name) you will see the last 5 reply's YOU have made, so at least you know where you left off.

The thing you will notice is likely all your replys will be listed as 'Re:' but you can still figure out where they apply.
The reason is (and I still forget to do this a lot of the time)is if you dont type something into the "Subject" box each time you reply it is just a continuation of the last reply, thus "Re:"

When you go into the main forum the folders will be higlighted as well to replys since your last log in. But that is in general to [i]all[/i] the posts since that time.

Lastly, one of the neat features here is the "Search" function at the very top. Type in a word, name etc. and it will search out replys in the forum as well as downloads. Again, you will likely get a lot of "Re:" in those, but it can help to narrow things down.

It can be confusing at the first, but you are doing just fine. Let us know if we can be of any more help!


Mike Balog

 2004/4/19 0:24Profile

Joined: 2004/7/21
Posts: 3

 Re: FREEDOM CD! hear the gospel.

This CD is great thanks for sharing it :)

 2004/7/27 13:45Profile

Joined: 2003/10/9
Posts: 172
Ex-England colony of Australia


Scott, I converted the freedom cd to a higher format, 320 kBits and 48000 Hz and it didn't sound a lot better. The maker of this has done a good job as it is but if anybody would like it in the higher format I'm sure it can be set up somewhere.

Jouko Hakola

 2004/7/31 22:02Profile

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