[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/tozerdev.gif[/img]EVERYDAY WORSHIPIt is my experience that the totality of our Christian lives-our entire attitude as persons-must be towards the worship of God! If you do not know the presence of God in your office, your factory, your home-then God is not in the church you attend, either! I became a Christian when I was a young man working in a tire factory in Akron, Ohio. I remember my work there-but I remember my worship there, too! I had plenty of worshipful tears in my eyes. No one ever asked me about them, but I would not have hesitated to explain them. You can learn to use certain skills until they are automatic. I became so skillful that I could do my work and then I could worship God even while my hands were busy. If the love of God is in us and the Spirit of God is breathing praise within us, all the musical instruments in heaven are suddenly playing in full support! Even our thoughts become a sanctuary in which God can dwell.PrayerIn all that comes today and everyday, let me worship you with my life, my work, and everything that I do.ScriptureTheir heart is far from me... in vain they do worship me. Matthew 15:8-9For more info:[url=http://www.cmalliance.org/devotions/tozer/tozer.jsp]http://www.cmalliance.org/devotions/tozer/tozer.jsp[/url]
May this be our experience in our workplaces, oh Lord.Murray
_________________Murray Beninger