[b]Update on Art's Health[/b]August 7, 2006'We are asking for the prayers of God's people on Art's behalf due to a recent diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism in the Lungs (Blood Clots).At the doctors advice, Art had a catscan performed on his lungs following complaints of shortness of breath. The scan showed the existence of blood clots for which he was immediately administered blood thinning medication. Art is continuing to be closely monitored by the medical fraternity, and we would appreciate the even closer monitoring of his health with the prayers of the saints. Apart from some continuing shortness of breath, Art is doing well and is active in mind, spirit and body. Do continue to uphold him during the school, not only for his health, but also for the content of the teaching sessions and the grace and anointing from Above to proclaim it.We remain in His serviceThe Ben Israel Fellowship [url=http://www.benisrael.org/artshealth.htm]http://www.benisrael.org/artshealth.htm[/url]
_________________Aaron Ireland
Apart from some continuing shortness of breath, Art is doing well and is active in mind, spirit and body. Do continue to uphold him during the school, not only for his health, but also for the content of the teaching sessions and the grace and anointing from Above to proclaim it.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Dec 4th, 2006We are happy to be able to report that Art has had a relatively good week with no painful outbreaks of the auto-immune disease, infections, or need for another transfusion. He has even been able to walk twenty or thirty yards to the prayer meetings and community center.On the other hand, his blood sugar is unstable even with insulin and a strict diet, and they are working on getting it under control. His wife Inger has quit her job in order to dedicate herself to caring for him, preparing the exacting diet, and seeing that he takes his medications on schedule.Prayer Points:Healing of diabetes. Stabilization of his blood sugar within the normal range.Complete healing of polyarteritis nodosa. Continuing freedom from outbreaks.Continuing freedom from infections.Production of sufficient red corpuscles and hemoglobin.Revelation of any spiritual issue that could be giving the enemy a foothold .Praise Point:This was the most stable week Art has had for a while. So lets praise God for that, and continue to press the enemy back in Jesus name!Sincerely,Ben Israel FellowshipOn behalf of the Katz family (David, Christina, Ariel, Keith, Mary Jo, Natalie and grandchildren), I want to thank you for your prayers and concern for my husband during his illness. He is still not well, and we do all we can to care for him.For now, I have quit my job - perhaps for good. Pappi (Art) cannot be left alone for very long, and if I have to go out for some reason, the folks here at Ben Israel help out.Sometimes I get overwhelmed and even grumpy! But then I remember how much I have to be grateful for - because "there but for the grace of God go I."I could have been in Pappi's place instead after a stroke two years ago as well as arthritis. Yet, I am the one that can run around and do all kinds of things - so I am thankful that I am still able. Again, on behalf of us all - thank you!Lovingly,Inger Hava Katzhttp://www.benisrael.org/artshealth.htmJordan
Praying that God's servant will be restored for more service in His Holy Name.