My first post. Our preacher said this morning that it was not possible to see into heaven (or I assume hell). But it is possible for the dead to see from heaven to earth.I totally disagree with the latter. It would be incomprehensible to me for God to allow those who have passed through the veil to look back on the sin and misery of those left behind.Although the preacher didn't say so, I would guess he bases his belief on Luke 16:19. I believe that this is another parable which, this time, teaches the folly of seeking fame and fortune and ignoring the needs of others.Any comments? I especially covet scripture references and information from preachers of the days gone by.
Hi, D_daktar The verse that comes to my mind regarding this issue is this: Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Acts 17:11You are being noble by asking questions and testing the validity of your ministers interpretations. Consider this an opportunity for you to exercise your own spiritual muscle. The pastors interpretation, taken from the parable exposes a sloppy use of scripture. Perhaps you have encountered other examples. Be sensitive to the Spirit. Perhaps God is leading you to hold your brother accountable by sharing your concern. That hopefully will encourage him to exercise greater care. Sadly, most folk in churches are not like the Bereans, and do not examine the validity of what they are taught. This does not help the pastor or anyone else. It causes the entire body to be weakened. Welcome to SI. I know you will enjoy it here. By entering into the discussions, and by sharing questions, you will grow in the knowledge and wisdom of our Lord. The audios sermons and articles are also very enriching. They get you thinking. By the way, I have a book called Daktar about Vigor Olsen, a missionary doctor in Bangladesh. Any connection? Diane
bro Daktarwelcome to S.I! you wrote:
My first post. Our preacher said this morning that it was not possible to see into heaven (or I assume hell). But it is possible for the dead to see from heaven to earth.
I totally disagree with the latter. It would be incomprehensible to me for God to allow those who have passed through the veil to look back on the sin and misery of those left behind.
Although the preacher didn't say so, I would guess he bases his belief on Luke 16:19. I believe that this is another parable which, this time, teaches the folly of seeking fame and fortune and ignoring the needs of others.
_________________Farai Bamu
hmm Is it impossible to look into heaven? Well, I'm not entire sure. Do you mean like whenever we want to or to see heaven at all? People have seen heaven, in scripture and even in modern time. My pastor saw heaven. Do I think he is a liar? No. Of what testamonies that I have heard, they all tend to have very similar descriptions.Can we see into heaven whenever we want. If we can, then certainly no one that I know of is doing it. However it is more common for people to see into the spiritual realm around us. Can we do it whenever we want? I dont know, because if we could I certainly would have seen something by now, which I haven't, other than with the eyes of my spirit. Jesus did say that He did whatever He saw His Father in heaven doing. I dont know exactly how to apply that verse to seeing into the spiritual realm, nor do I pretend that my interpretation and application of it is the only and correct way, therefore I leave it to you.I do think that peolpe in heaven can see the earth though. I have heard many Christian people's testamonies of visions and heavenly encounters where they meet some of the saints dead and gone who describe themself as the great cloud of Witnesses, described in Hebrews. They say that they can see all that God is doing. Otherwise they would be ignorant to matters that are so dear to God;s heart.All eyes are on earth, it is the primary focus of the heavenlies right now. well, there ya go, take it or leave it. Either way the topic doesnt affect our salvation so whether you believe that we can see into heaven or not and that the people in heaven can see us or not does not disqualify you from being used by God. In that sense I am not looking to argue over the subject (directed to anyone who may want to challenge my statements).Be blessed