Hi everyone. Do any of you know a reliable source for qoutes from the founders concerning religion? I mean that is trustworthy concerning the accuracy of the qoutations?Thanks :-D
_________________Christopher Joel Dandrow
I have an old book called "leaves of gold", it may have some of the founders quotes in it. I'll look through it for you. You could probably find it pretty cheaply in a used book store these days. I'll get back to ya on that though.
Brother Dohzman, sorry I should have been more specific. Am looking to put together something tonight to hand out tomorrow but I thank you nevertheless!For anyone interested so far I have found this at the library of Congresshttp://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel05.htmlHere's an intro
The Continental-Confederation Congress, a legislative body that governed the United States from 1774 to 1789, contained an extraordinary number of deeply religious men. The amount of energy that Congress invested in encouraging the practice of religion in the new nation exceeded that expended by any subsequent American national government. Although the Articles of Confederation did not officially authorize Congress to concern itself with religion, the citizenry did not object to such activities. This lack of objection suggests that both the legislators and the public considered it appropriate for the national government to promote a nondenominational, nonpolemical Christianity.