There are so many satified with their religion that only out of habit do they attend the House of God. This is such a desperate hour we are living in with souls going to hell by the millions. How the Church(the called out) should be on their knees sighing and crying for the abominations that are in the land today. What God is looking for is a hungry people that will not be satisfied by just sitting on a pew. They are craving a move of God in their Church, their community, the City they live in, the place they work in, their households and we could go on and on because we are truly a needy people.Oh that the Church would get desperate for the lost. God is crying out and the Church is at ease. How the Church needs some intercessors that will pray till they get and answer. The House of God needs some anointed Preachers who have been in the presense of God till their hearts are set on fire and their lips ablaze with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We need men and women who will pray and seek Gods face for a great outpouring of the Holy Ghost that will empower the Church and birth souls into the Kingdom of God. It is a deperate hour for the Church of the Living God. Pray!
Amen! We need a revival in our land, so that unbelievers are saved and Christians are set on fire again to help the lost.As Leonard Ravenhill said: 'You can't have a revival without Mr. Amen and Mr. Wet-Eyes sitting in the congregation.' And this is true. What challenges me is that as I pray, I can barely shed a tear for the lost souls of this earth. We should be weeping as we pray for the people that are damned to hell unless we tell them about it!I know that there is a time for joy, and a time for weeping, but in this instance we definitely need to be weeping. I pray that the Holy Spirit will stir up our hearts and start a fire inside of us that burns for the lost until the day we die!
Indeed, most every Christian sees the need in the world, but ignores the need in the Church. The Church is too lax to care whether or not people get saved. The reason is because they only see this life and not eternity. We are casual about our Christianity, and make little or no impact on the world. However, revival in the Church is a desperate need. Prayer is so neglected and seen as insignificant.I do weep for the lost. I don't work it up. I weep because they are on the way to hell and the Church couldn't care less! And what's more, those who attend church and call themselves Christians are on their way to hell too! It explains why in the book of Revelation Jesus is telling the Church to repent. We should weep over our sins and our coldness toward the lost, before we weep in the eternal judgment of hellfire.
I weep because they are on the way to hell and the Church couldn't care less! And what's more, those who attend church and call themselves Christians are on their way to hell too!
_________________Paul Frederick West
I'm not a brother!
Oops! Sorry, sis. Never saw a name on your profile, just assumed. My bad.Blessings!Paul
It's okay. It gave me a good laugh though. God bless.