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Joined: 2006/3/5
Posts: 29
"No Certain dwellingplace"

 A word of encouragement for street preachers.

In the light of all of the criticism sorrounding the biblical way of street preaching I would like to offer a word of encouragement.

Despite the love heresy that is circulating, tell me, which is more loving, to warn the sinner of danger, or blind them to it with a false sense of security that our easy beleivism today perpetrates in the name of Jesus Christ?

TO all who live Godly in Christ Jesus, practice the proverb "open rebuke is better than secret love", preach the word being instant in season and out of season, line up the out of line, set up the upset, I say AMEN. Jesus came to DESTROY the works of the devil. Rebuke me for using an unloving term, that is scripture. We fight the good fight of faith and suffer persecution even from the "church".

God knows them that are His. Some of you have wisely said that we cannot use methods that God has given to other people, I agree. Who are you to judge the method that God has given to someone else? You are what is called a hypocrite. You know who you are. Take comfort soldiers of the cross, Hsi truth goes marching on.

Preach hard...

Evan Schaible

 2006/7/2 10:32Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Re: A word of encouragement for street preachers.

Who are you to judge the method that God has given to someone else? You are what is called a hypocrite. You know who you are.

That was pretty encouraging, be careful that both fresh water and bitter waters don't come forth from the same fountain, neither blessing nor cursings :-(


 2006/7/2 13:41Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


well i think you all should be thankful you have people that preach in the my country there is none.. there are a few that give out tracts and witness... but ive never ever seen someone stand and preach the word of god....

and about someone elses methods...some may get called to go out preach gods love...another to warn about coming judgemnt... i belive god will give someone the messege they should preach that day on that spot to that speciall person. Then you cant really set up a few rules on how you should preach, i dont know, but i do pray god will bring up some streetpreachers in my country... whit the fire of god burning in them...who knows maybe he will call me to this... im willing to go if he sends me

god bless al of you who does this... stand in public and preach..on the frontline in this war.
gods peace to you all


 2006/7/2 14:07Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Quote: my country there is none.. there are a few that give out tracts and witness... but ive never ever seen someone stand and preach the word of god....

Bless you, bro. Why don't you be the first? Blaze the trail for others to follow! It's something to pray about.

In Christ Jesus, Brother Paul

Paul Frederick West

 2006/7/2 15:27Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


well as i was saying... i will do that if god will have me do this... its something about that seems to draw me however... but i think i have to "grow up" in christ a little... im not even a year old ... but when gods spirit will fill me and lead me... only god knows the limit of what a man can do lead of the holy spirit... if there are a limit... god knows how bad we need an awekening in sweden.. when i think about how much sin there is...this song "im on the highway to hell" by some rock and roll band... this seems like a song fit for my country... but by gods grace and mercy we will one day maybe sing haleluja for the precius blood...

if not before so then we will in heaven...


 2006/7/2 16:00Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Sweden's not the only country on the "Highway to Hell," trust me! I'll be interceeding for you. Age in Christ (timewise) really doesn't mean much; I know believers that are less than 5 years old in Jesus that have accumulated more wisdom and knowledge than men and women who've been going to church for 20+ years.

Keep looking to Jesus, trust and obey in every little thing, saturate yourself in the Word - you'll grow fast. God bless you!

Paul Frederick West

 2006/7/2 17:49Profile


A very timely encouragement brother. Thanks!

 2006/7/2 20:53

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