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 concerning openair

Hello, Well Daryl certainly got things going concerning openair preaching. I would like to add that we all need to keep in mind that openair preaching is biblical. There are many christians who say it's not. Next christians often feel confused about it,"well does this mean I have to go openair preach?" Not all are called to openair but all are called to believe and support the openair cause, if you will. Open air preachers are subject to alot of stress. Regular preaches who endeavor to preach the "whole counsel of God" to there congregations experience the strees or attcks that accompany this job,how much more the open air evangelist. Next in exhorting or correcting our fellow street evangelist we must be very carefull. We should first assure them we agree they should do what they do. We should convey to them we understand the challenges they face each time they go out. We should pray for them. If we do these things they will be more open to hear what you have to say about what adjustments you think they need to make. Now I know that even after doing all this that some will not always recieve your admonitions. But at least you will know that you have done what you could to be a better "witness" to your fellow brother. I have "gone out" and purposely witnessed one on one as well as open air for the past 15 years. So I know about many of the blessing and trials that come with it. I just hope that as we all put in our comments concerning open air witnessing, that we are continuing to actively witness ourselves. Thanks for reading this post from "things above".

 2006/6/30 1:04

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: concerning openair


welcome to sermonindex. I would encourage you to post a welcome message in the "welcome and intro" section of the forums. Also please in the future use the "REPLY" button in the forums so every response of yours is not a new thread. So just browse to the post that you are reading and press the reply button and then write your message, that keeps all the discussions together and makes it logical to read and follow.

If you need any other help or have questions let me know.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/6/30 1:11Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Re: Purpose in posting what I did

It wasn't my purpose to correct any one individual. I posted what I did not to say do it this way only. I DID post out of a great concern in what I have been seeing in street preaching, first hand,and on the web via sound bites and videos etc..., and I thought it good to share, what I had hoped wouldn't turn toward any one individual. As people we all seem to grasp for real examples inorder to make points. I guess that's what has happened.
My objective was to let street workers know that every situation is different. The mood (or spirit), if you will, is different everytime you go out and it takes a great deal of prayer, meditation, a waiting on the Lord, inorder to accomplish effective witnessing. Basically, dedication in the private closet of prayer.

Openair is nessary, especially in these last days. Let me repeat myself here; OPENAIR PREACHING/WITNESSING IS NESSARY, ESPECIALLY IN THESE LAST DAYS.

I would like to add that we all need to keep in mind that openair preaching is biblical.

I don't believe I made any such suggestion, on the contrary I gave examples of.

Next in exhorting or correcting our fellow street evangelist we must be very carefull. We should first assure them we agree they should do what they do. We should convey to them we understand the challenges they face each time they go out. We should pray for them. If we do these things they will be more open to hear what you have to say about what adjustments you think they need to make.

How do you know I don't pray for them. Those on this board I lift up in prayer, but mainly my prayers are for private use in the sight of God alone. I feel somewhat compromised in even posting such a statement.

As society has increasingly gotten more wicked, I've observed more of a harshness in street style preaching. Our gospel is not only corrective but also full of mercy and good fruits of righteousness. So many people mis-understand the judgements of Jesus Christ that He brought to this fallen world. He came to judge, how was that done? Rebuking? Sure, the religious leaders. He taught divine truths out of practical everyday examples, He opened blind eyes, cured the sick, healed the lame, raised the dead, THAT's the judgements He brought and left for the church to do, and you see that played out in the Whole Book of Acts. Sure there was strong exhortations, look at Paul's writtings, but those were made to the church. Our real problem is that we really think the people we are approaching in the streets are backslidden and have had a valid salvation experience. What we really have is wicked fallen man who needs to hear and see Christ in us, through word and display. The works Jesus did we do. Make no mistake, the same power is in every true believer. But the methods of delivery will vary greatly.

My post hopefully has rather given an appetite to some who might not want to yell turn or burn messages from street cornors. They don't need to, they can simply be the expression of Christ Jesus He has made them to be. And where ever we are we should be Jesus to a lost world around us. I believe it was baseball hall of famer Ted Williams (last man to bat 400 in the majors) who said that every at bat you WILL see one hitable ball, just make sure you hit it, To the christians I say, Every person you see You will have oppurtunity to represent Jesus to, just make sure your representation to faithful and true. God Bless Bro. Daryl


 2006/6/30 10:17Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Hi dohzman,

As one who has preached on the streets, I found your words to be full of wisdom. It's true that there's a lot of stuff going on out in the open-air that is unchristlike. I agree with you, these preachers (and myself first and foremost) need to check ourselves before we head out. Examine our motives, make sure our efforts are bathed in charity and compassion as following the examples of Jesus and Paul. If I'm going out there in a wrong spirit, I'll cause more harm and death than anything else...and this is almost unpardonable. Thank you for the gracious reminder! I dare not venture outdoors with the gospel of repentance if I have not first bathed myself in soul-seeking prayer and shed a tear for those souls so dear to our Lord "for God is not willing that any should perish." May sinners hear the pleading of the Holy Spirit and not the attitude and biases of me, the preacher.

Paul Frederick West

 2006/6/30 10:52Profile

 Re: misunderstanding?

Hello, I think you may have misunderstood my post,and I am sorry. My intent was to accuse no one. When I said "Daryl got things going", it was only from the standpoint of all the reply's that were posted. I was just trying to crystalize all the post's I had read so far concerning the topic. We all have our times when we are truly "in the Spirit" when we witness or preach. Some of us, myself first and foremost have gone out meaning well but shift over into the flesh. Sometimes it's a real struggle other times it smooth sailing. All th exhortations of humility, prayer and being soaked in the word are exactly what we always need. Keep up the good works in Christ! John

 2006/6/30 11:04

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


BTW So as not to give occassion to the devil, I understand and agree with you on many points, sorry if I took some things to personal. God Bless in Christ Jesus with His precious grace and the peace that only God can give. Bro. Daryl


 2006/6/30 12:43Profile


I'm just glad you accepted my apology for not being clear. I will sleep better tonight! Incidently I am currently stationed in Iraq. I will not always be able to respond to post emmediatly sometimes I'm "kinda busy". But I am enjoying this site alot. God bless,John

 2006/6/30 13:02

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


From this day forward you will be on my heart and in my prayers, continually, for safe return home.


 2006/6/30 13:43Profile

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