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Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 199

 2006 China Mission

I had the great priviledge to take a team of brothers into China earier this month for 15 days of gospel literature distribution.

This was the second missions trip to China that I, and my son Caleb, have been on and we are ever so grateful for all that the Father used our team to accomplish.

Our group of eight men split up into three sub-teams and went to different unreached areas in the provinces of Qinghai and Gansu. These areas are in north central China.

Leading up to this mission I was somewhat vague as to the destination of our upcoming overseas trip. This was due to the sensitivity of the work and the location of the field. Now that the job has been completed, I'd like to share some of the details with you.

Following the long flight to China, we traveled more than 30 hours by train and then another 20 by bus to arrive at our starting point. The scenery was beautiful and quite different than anything we've seen over here in the states. Deserts, snow covered mountains and prairies were on our route. The target group was comprised primarily of Tibetan Buddhists, Muslims and many Mongolians. The people were friendly and very kind.

Click [url=]HERE[/url] to see photos from the China missions trip.

Our team was able to smuggle approximately 460 lbs of gospel tracts into China and most of the people who received the literature had never heard the message of the Gospel before. I was blessed to get to know a young Tibetan in Qinghai who befriended our team and even invited us to his home to meet his family. He helped us tremendously while we were in his village being that he was the only person who spoke a little English. When he asked us what our religion was, I told him we were Christians. He had never even heard of Christianity or our Savior! Pray for him and all who heard the gospel.

It was a busy two weeks with little food and less sleep. We distributed tracts during the day and during the overnight hours. Sleep was grabbed when possible as were meals. The Father greatly blessed the little rest we were able to get and gave us the strength to get the job done. All glory goes to Him!

Please pray that the seeds sown will bring forth a harvest.

Dennis Green

 2006/6/29 17:52Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: 2006 China Mission

Some great photos, love the beard brother :) yes, may many seeds bring forth eternal fruit unto the glory of God and His Son Jesus Christ.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/6/29 18:05Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732

 Re: 2006 China Mission

Thank so much for sharing these photos. I enjoyed looking at every one of them and thanking our Lord!


Mike Compton

 2006/6/30 5:34Profile

 Re: 2006 China Mission

[b]two weeks with little food and less sleep. We distributed tracts[/b] during the day and [b]during the overnight hours[/b]. Sleep was grabbed when possible as were meals. [b]The Father greatly blessed the little rest we were able to get[/b] [u]and gave us the strength to get the job done[/u]. [b]All glory goes to Him![/b]

Praise the Lord for His upholding power and faithfulness!

Dear Denny,

Thank you for sharing about your trip. Do you mind answering a few questions?

Did you take tracts in Chinese languages?

Following the [u]long flight[/u] to China, we traveled more than [u]30 hours by train[/u] and then another [u]20 by bus[/u] [b]to arrive at our [u]starting[/u] point[/b].

Were you able to arrange the internal travel before you got to China, or is praying you can actually reach your destination once there, par for the course?

At what point did the team split up? Are there opportunities for telecommunication with each other, or, is there nothing as sophistocated as electricity, where you went?

How free were you to move around the areas where you were working? What penalties are available to the authorities, for what you did?

Were there any concerns about meeting back up with the rest of the team for the return journey?

Are there any little personal miracles from team members on the trip, which you could share?

Please feel free not to answer any questions which compromise your operation.

 2006/7/2 6:43

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: 2006 China Mission

Our team was able to smuggle approximately 460 lbs of gospel tracts into China

No need to answer the how of that, it just struck the thought of Brother Andrew's effort's, ... that's some heavy backpacks :-)

Thanks for sharing this Denny, great pictures.
Please pray that the seeds sown will bring forth a harvest.

Will do so.

Mike Balog

 2006/7/2 13:28Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 199



dorcas wrote:
Dear Denny,

Thank you for sharing about your trip. Do you mind answering a few questions?

Did you take tracts in Chinese languages?

[b]Yes, the literature was in Mandarin Chinese.[/b]

Following the [u]long flight[/u] to China, we traveled more than [u]30 hours by train[/u] and then another [u]20 by bus[/u] [b]to arrive at our [u]starting[/u] point[/b].

Were you able to arrange the internal travel before you got to China, or is praying you can actually reach your destination once there, par for the course?

[b]Our starting point was planned ahead of time as were the villages and towns we would visit. Most of the travel went well with few problems. At times we would try to get a bus to the next location and find that there was no bus going there. Transportation is not as reliable as it is here so we just had to make it work by using taxis or making links-ups in different towns. Only one team met with many transportation problems. But even that worked out for God's glory being that more literature was often distributed during the revised travel arrangements than would have been if all worked according to our initial plans.[/b]

At what point did the team split up? Are there opportunities for telecommunication with each other, or, is there nothing as sophistocated as electricity, where you went?

[b]We split up after we arrived in Xining, the Capitol of Qinghai. This followed our 30+ hour train ride. From there our three teams followed three different routes. To were mostly in Qinghai and one was in Gansu. We could not communicate until we met up at the end of the trip. We did, however meet with one of the teams for dinner mid-way through the trip. There was electricity in most areas we stayed overnight.[/b]

How free were you to move around the areas where you were working? What penalties are available to the authorities, for what you did?

[b]We were usually free to move around but we laid low in some areas until after dark due to the fact that these were ares that were not accoustomed to westerners and we didn't want to run the risk of being thrown out ont town. My team was visited by the police at 10:30pm one night just before we left the motel to start overnight tract distribution. This was in Wulan. We were asked to leave the town and return to Xining first thing in the morning. Someone was posted at our door and we were unable to leave the room without being escorted. This being the case, we were unable to get the job done in that town. That was, however, the only place that our distribution was completely interupted. If caught, the penalty will usually be confiscation of the literature with a revoking of ones visa. In this case you would be confined until you can leave China. That is pain-free when compared to the punishments endured by our Chinese brothers and sisters who are caught with gospel literature.[/b]

Were there any concerns about meeting back up with the rest of the team for the return journey?

[b]Not really. We knew where we were going to meet and when. We met back in Xining and caught the train back to Shanghai. From there we flew back to the States.[/b]

Dennis Green

 2006/7/3 10:21Profile

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