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Joined: 2004/7/29
Posts: 204
Jacksonville. Florida


DECLARATION OF by Glenn A. Hascall

When in the course of my humanity.

It became necessary for me to dissolve the bonds, which have connected me for so long to one who cares not for my ultimate well-being. I first and foremost declare a separation from the one who stated control over my life and of whom I am now certain meant me personal and spiritual harm.

I hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created by God, and are endowed by Him with complete unalienable grace, that among these are the forgiveness of sin, the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit, and the sacrifice of God’s one and only Son, Jesus Christ.

These truths serve to draw me irresistibly to my Maker. Prudence, indeed dictates that this design, with its foundations lodged in a time long past remembering, can never be revoked and has been set in place to be beneficial to mankind as well as provide our only means to godly living.

When I take note of a long train of abuses by a lesser power seeking to usurp this forever rule and reign I must resist all such efforts. It is my right and duty to stand against such evil and provide ample opportunity for God to secure my future in His loving care and guidance.

The enemy has refused the rule and reign of Jesus Christ.

He has encouraged his minions to meddle needlessly in the spiritual affairs of mankind.

He has refused to acknowledge the laws governing God’s people.

He has made it a personal mission to distract us from following godly principles.

He has repeatedly engaged God’s people in spiritual battle.

For the deprivation of uninterrupted time with God.

For continual accusations of forgiven offenses.

Our enemy has abdicated any rule over us because he has not agreed to the universal law of God’s absolute truth.

He has plundered our churches and ravaged God’s people.

He has lured some away and hold them captive without cause.

He has incited others against us, also without cause both from within and without.

In every stage of these oppressions we have sought relief. Our enemy only answers in the most ruthless of terms. A prince, whose character is continually marked by acts of tyranny and remains unfit to rule.

I, therefore as a representative of the Children of God, do solemnly publish and declare, that the believing members of the Church, one body ordained by God, are free to worship our Maker. I remain a free, yet dependant member of the body of Christ.

This shall remain my once-and-for-all DECLARATION OF DEPENDENCE upon the one true God, His Son Jesus Christ, and God’s Holy Spirit. I further pledge that without my dependence on this source I shall never find joy in my life, fortunes or personal honor.

bill schnippert

 2006/6/29 13:18Profile

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