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Joined: 2006/6/19
Posts: 927

 New Website Proposal - Please Read

Hi, I have experience with HTML and web development.
I am also a fan of the site Fire On The Altar. ... this site has powerful preaching clips laid to music (like The Revival Hymn); however, this site has not been updated in some time and doesn't appear to be gathering new clips any longer.

I was wondering if people would be interested in a new site very similar to that one, but I would keep it updated often and would post new clips weekly or more.

If you think you would be interested in a site like this just leave a post on here so I can see if it would gather much interest.


Taylor Otwell

 2006/6/28 21:54Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: New Website Proposal - Please Read


Have you talked to "Chris" the owner of I have talked to him a few times and it seems he has been busy with a few projects and there is a larget site-redesign in the works over there. With that re-design I heard it would be very easy to add materials and he is still looking for many volunteers to help with that work. So if you talk with him I am sure he would set you up as a editor to add materials and be one of the main people that add new resources once the site is re-designed.

You can email him here: [email protected]

I think that would be good option to explore first. Also I am looking for help on sermonindex for people to volunteer time on various projects.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2006/6/28 22:04Profile

Joined: 2006/6/19
Posts: 927


OK Thanks for that info! I'll send him an e-mail about helping out with the site!

Taylor Otwell

 2006/6/28 22:26Profile

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